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General Relativity Physics Engine #153

Open Kreijstal opened 5 years ago

Kreijstal commented 5 years ago

Project description

[Describe the project the best you can. Give any background information or link to resources that are necessary to understand the problem it is intended to solve. The more you elaborate on your idea, the easier it is to accomplish.] It would be interesting to see a relativistic game engine with length contraction, time dilatation, etc. Would be interesting to program objects moving and interacting

Relevant Technology

[Write what technology is relevant. What language, what platform, any particular library/framework/existing project it is based on?]

Complexity and required time

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Required time (ETA)

KOLANICH commented 5 years ago

It would be interesting to see a relativistic game engine with length contraction, time dilatation, etc.

This is special relativity.