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Create missing documents for projects #2088

Open svrnm opened 1 month ago

svrnm commented 1 month ago

We have a few already running projects[^1] that do not have a document in the projects folder, main reason is because they pre-date the process. Can the GC liaisons work with the SIGs to (a) verify if a document is required (i.e. the SIG is "not permanent") and if so create those documents?

Please check the box if either your SIG does not match the need to require a document or when you have added the document to the folder.

[^1]: Picked them from during project triage session

tigrannajaryan commented 1 month ago

Agent Management SIG

The SIG's work is actively in progress and there is no clear target when we can consider it "done". We can still add a project document if you prefer that. I don't have a strong opinion.

danielgblanco commented 1 month ago

I think all these SIGs, with the exception of perhaps System SemConv, will be permanent. So, the SIGs themselves will not have a clear target to consider them "done". However, I think it'd still be valuable to have a set of deliverables as initial reason to create the SIG in the first place. Essentially a SIG bootstrap project.

dashpole commented 1 month ago

I'll write the document for the prometheus compatibility WG. I hope to wrap up the WG in the next few months.

svrnm commented 1 month ago

Thank you all!

The SIG's work is actively in progress and there is no clear target when we can consider it "done". We can still add a project document if you prefer that. I don't have a strong opinion.

If the SIG is permanent (or very long running/with no clear end goal yet), I think we do not need a document.

felixge commented 1 month ago

If the SIG is permanent (or very long running/with no clear end goal yet), I think we do not need a document.

I think this will be the case for the profiling SIG. The initial goal is to turn profiling into a new stable signal type. But I think there will continue to be a need for a standing SIG to maintain the signal. So as far as I'm concerned, we can check the profiling SIG from the list above.

svrnm commented 1 month ago

Since creating the document for the profiling SIG is probably as simple as copying this issue into a markdown file, I argue it's still nice to have (same applies to the client instrumentation SIG, which has such an issue as well).

danielgblanco commented 1 month ago

Regarding the client-instrumentation SIG, there's in fact a single Project Document that was copied from the issue in but the spec issue was not closed at the time. I just closed with a comment.