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Sustainable process for community support #2175

Open codefromthecrypt opened 3 days ago

codefromthecrypt commented 3 days ago

I'm starting to understand that this repository is about process, how we encourage or steer desired behaviors that result in community success. One thing I noticed yesterday (my time) was that no one answered questions on the collector slack. I pinged my colleagues and of course folks pitched in, but I got the impression that while we raise issues about how to not confuse users, how to define vocabulary etc, maybe we haven't focused on the critical support aspect?

Close this out if I just missed something, but I suspect there's a way of incentivizing community support in ways that show up very loudly as much as or even more than things like PR stats or comment counts in devstats. In my history of OSS, slack support is a very large part of community success and I'd love to see folks who do well on this, either individually, as friends or even as companies become better incentivised and recognized for this.

svrnm commented 3 days ago

cc @open-telemetry/sig-end-user-approvers

A few unsorted thoughts:

I suspect there's a way of incentivizing community support in ways that show up very loudly as much as or even more than things like PR stats or comment counts in devstats. In my history of OSS, slack support is a very large part of community success and I'd love to see folks who do well on this, either individually, as friends or even as companies become better incentivised and recognized for this.

💯 -- This is probably a point where End User Experience and Contributor Experience come together. I also agree that this is a question of incentives. And that's where it gets complicated, because (a) do we know what the right incentives are? and (b) are we even able to provide them?

A few ideas on those incentives:

musingvirtual commented 2 days ago

A few more unsorted thoughts in response to Severin's thoughts:

1) We can bring in multiple channels, aggregate, tag, and reroute to some sort of output (maybe a central OTel channel) through a tool like Common Room. I am happy to sponsor doing that through Honeycomb's Common Room and do the work to set it up. There might also be open source tools like Savannah CRM which could belong to the project which I would prefer; and I know Linux Foundation recently acquired which I think does something along these lines. This would require more investigation.

2) Right now there is no path for contributions in the form of answering questions to be "measured" and "count" so they become invisible labor that doesn't really help your profile within the project. For example, I probably could not exhibit twenty Slack threads answering questions in my application for project membership and receive membership. They don't show up in devstats, this sort of thing. This seems to me to be the most urgent aspect to fix if we want people to have the same incentives as other types of contributions do.

3) There is a non-code contributions group that meets through the CNCF contributor experience SIG which might have resources. The guy who runs it, Noah, has been a very dedicated Kubernetes contributor over the years and I like him a lot. It's too early for me in Pacific Time but maybe someone wants to check it out.

4) Following on my second point above, there are definitely established ways to "count" questions that are answered and offer incentives and recognition if we limit where the project offers "official" support, which I think is probably a more reasonable goal than answering anything anyone asks anywhere on the Internet. For example, Wordpress or Dreamwidth have very good systems working in their forums that show pretty straightforwardly who is answering there, and they have approval systems for correct answers too so some contributors mostly review answers from other contributors. There are obviously systems to count on GitHub and StackOverflow too, and we could build one for Slack using a bot. It would be interesting to know what other CNCF projects are doing for support so we can understand the norms and expectations.