open-telemetry / opentelemetry-collector-contrib

Contrib repository for the OpenTelemetry Collector
Apache License 2.0
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Weird opentelemetry-collector errors #26343

Open ghevge opened 10 months ago

ghevge commented 10 months ago



What happened?

I'm trying to set up opentelemetry-collector with prometheus, tempo and loki on a dockerize jave springboot 3 application.

I've managed to start all the containers, but once I generet some activity on my app, otel collector start to generate errors like bellow:

Any idea what could be causing this?

Collector version


Environment information


OS: (e.g., "Ubuntu 20.04") Compiler(if manually compiled): (e.g., "go 14.2")

OpenTelemetry Collector configuration


  # batch metrics before sending to reduce API usage

    loglevel: debug

    endpoint: "http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push"

    endpoint: ""
      label1: value1

    endpoint: tempo:4317
      insecure: true

  # responsible for responding to health check calls on behalf of the collector.
  # fetches the collector’s performance data
  # serves as an http endpoint that provides live debugging data about instrumented components.

  extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [prometheus]
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [otlp]
      receivers: [otlp]
      exporters: [loki]

Log output

otel-collector_1  | 2023-08-30T15:24:45.452Z    error   prometheusexporter@v0.82.0/log.go:23    error gathering metrics: 5 error(s) occurred:
otel-collector_1  | * collected metric log4j2_events label:{name:"application" value:"testapp"} label:{name:"job" value:"unknown_service"} label:{name:"label1" value:"value1"} label:{name:"level" value:"debug"} counter:{value:599} has help "Number of debug level log events" but should have "Number of trace level log events"
otel-collector_1  | * collected metric log4j2_events label:{name:"application" value:"testapp"} label:{name:"job" value:"unknown_service"} label:{name:"label1" value:"value1"} label:{name:"level" value:"warn"} counter:{value:2} has help "Number of warn level log events" but should have "Number of trace level log events"
otel-collector_1  | * collected metric log4j2_events label:{name:"application" value:"testapp"} label:{name:"job" value:"unknown_service"} label:{name:"label1" value:"value1"} label:{name:"level" value:"fatal"} counter:{value:0} has help "Number of fatal level log events" but should have "Number of trace level log events"
otel-collector_1  | * collected metric log4j2_events label:{name:"application" value:"testapp"} label:{name:"job" value:"unknown_service"} label:{name:"label1" value:"value1"} label:{name:"level" value:"error"} counter:{value:0} has help "Number of error level log events" but should have "Number of trace level log events"
otel-collector_1  | * collected metric log4j2_events label:{name:"application" value:"testapp"} label:{name:"job" value:"unknown_service"} label:{name:"label1" value:"value1"} label:{name:"level" value:"info"} counter:{value:12} has help "Number of info level log events" but should have "Number of trace level log events"
otel-collector_1  |     {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheus"}
otel-collector_1  |*promLogger).Println
otel-collector_1  |
otel-collector_1  |
otel-collector_1  |
otel-collector_1  | net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP
otel-collector_1  |     net/http/server.go:2122
otel-collector_1  | net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP
otel-collector_1  |     net/http/server.go:2500
otel-collector_1  |*decompressor).ServeHTTP
otel-collector_1  |
otel-collector_1  |*Handler).ServeHTTP
otel-collector_1  |
otel-collector_1  |*clientInfoHandler).ServeHTTP
otel-collector_1  |
otel-collector_1  | net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP
otel-collector_1  |     net/http/server.go:2936
otel-collector_1  | net/http.(*conn).serve
otel-collector_1  |     net/http/server.go:1995

Additional context

My docker-compose looks something like this:

version: '3.8'

    image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.82.0
    restart: always
      - --config=/etc/otelcol-contrib/otel-collector.yml
      - /data/configs/otel-collector.yml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/otel-collector.yml
      - "1888:1888" # pprof extension
      - "8888:8888" # Prometheus metrics exposed by the collector
      - "8889:8889" # Prometheus exporter metrics
      - "13133:13133" # health_check extension
      - "4317:4317" # OTLP gRPC receiver
      - "4318:4318" # OTLP http receiver
      - "55679:55679" # zpages extension
          - otel-collector

    container_name: prometheus
    image: prom/prometheus
    restart: always
      - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
      - "9090:9090"
      - /data/configs/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
          - prometheus

    image: grafana/loki:latest
      - 3100:3100
    command: -config.file=/etc/loki/local-config.yaml
          - loki

    image: grafana/tempo:latest
    command: [ "-config.file=/etc/tempo.yml" ]
      - /data/configs/tempo.yml:/etc/tempo.yml
      - "3200:3200"   # tempo
      - "4317"  # otlp grpc
          - tempo

    image: grafana/grafana-enterprise
    container_name: grafana
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "3000:3000"
      - /data/grafana:/var/lib/grafana 

Java config class:

public class OpenTelemetryConfig {
    OpenTelemetry openTelemetry(SdkLoggerProvider sdkLoggerProvider, SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider, ContextPropagators contextPropagators) {
        OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetrySdk = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
        return openTelemetrySdk;

    SdkLoggerProvider otelSdkLoggerProvider(Environment environment, ObjectProvider<LogRecordProcessor> logRecordProcessors) {
        String applicationName = environment.getProperty("", "application");
        Resource springResource = Resource.create(Attributes.of(ResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME, applicationName));
        SdkLoggerProviderBuilder builder = SdkLoggerProvider.builder()

    LogRecordProcessor otelLogRecordProcessor() {
        return BatchLogRecordProcessor


  config: classpath:/log4j2-spring.xml

        include: metrics
        url: http://otel-collector:4318/v1/metrics
        step: 10s
      endpoint: http://otel-collector:4318/v1/traces
      probability: 1.0

    name: kelteu
github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

Pinging code owners:

See Adding Labels via Comments if you do not have permissions to add labels yourself.

crobert-1 commented 10 months ago

Also filed here: #opentelemetry-collector/issues/8340

frzifus commented 9 months ago

hm... I am sure I have seen this in the past. But looking at the stacktrace and impl. I can only guess what might have caused it. Since promLogger is just a wrapper around zap.Logger which is thread-safe, I assume the error is somehow related to the object(s) passed to the logger.

A closer look with a real debugger might help. Could you provide some details about the passed objects?

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

This issue has been inactive for 60 days. It will be closed in 60 days if there is no activity. To ping code owners by adding a component label, see Adding Labels via Comments, or if you are unsure of which component this issue relates to, please ping @open-telemetry/collector-contrib-triagers. If this issue is still relevant, please ping the code owners or leave a comment explaining why it is still relevant. Otherwise, please close it.

Pinging code owners:

See Adding Labels via Comments if you do not have permissions to add labels yourself.

andrm commented 7 months ago

Same problem here with wildfly 30.

fede843 commented 7 months ago

getting the same error too. Have tried collectors from 0.82.0 to 0.90.0. All the same.

crobert-1 commented 7 months ago

@andrm, @fede843, or @ghevge: Would you be able to provide the detailed information about the passed objects that the logger is hitting the errors on, as @frzifus requested above? This would be very helpful in debugging, otherwise it will be hard to make progress.

ghevge commented 7 months ago

@crobert-1 it will probably be faster to change otel-collector and throw those packages in the logs, in debug mode.

crobert-1 commented 7 months ago

@crobert-1 it will probably be faster to change otel-collector and throw those packages in the logs, in debug mode.

Pardon my ignorance, but I don't understand what you mean here. Since this isn't failing every time the goal is to find what data is causing this exception to be hit, helping us understand the root cause and fix it.

Are you suggesting adding more logging to the collector to understand which packages are causing the failure? Either way, any more information that can be provided here would be helpful.

ghevge commented 7 months ago

Are you suggesting adding more logging to the collector to understand which packages are causing the failure?

Yes. This will also make any future investigations much faster IMO

andrm commented 7 months ago

I'm getting this from wildfly 30:

Dec 01 07:56:42  t-02 otelcol[41089]: 2023-12-01T07:56:42.739Z        error        prometheusexporter@v0.89.0/log.go:23        error gathering metrics: 2 error(s) occurred:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: * collected metric undertow_request_count_total label:{name:"app"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"deployment"  value:""}  label:{name:"job"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"name"  value:"default"}  label:{name:"subdeployment"  value:""}  label:{name:"type"  value:"http-listener"}  counter:{value:0} has help "The number of requests this listener has served" but should have "Number of all requests"
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: * collected metric undertow_request_count_total label:{name:"app"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"deployment"  value:""}  label:{name:"job"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"name"  value:"https"}  label:{name:"subdeployment"  value:""}  label:{name:"type"  value:"https-listener"}  counter:{value:0} has help "The number of requests this listener has served" but should have "Number of all requests"
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:         {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheus"}
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:*promLogger).Println
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:         net/http/server.go:2136
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:         net/http/server.go:2514
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:*decompressor).ServeHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:*middleware).serveHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:         net/http/server.go:2136
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:*clientInfoHandler).ServeHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:         net/http/server.go:2938
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]: net/http.(*conn).serve
Dec 01 07:55:42 t-02 otelcol[41089]:         net/http/server.go:2009

It's very confusing, how does the collector know the comment? From prometheus?

andrm commented 7 months ago

It looks like a concurrency issue. I issue the same curl command twice and I different entries for the same counter:

:~$ date && curl http://t-02:9989/metrics | grep undertow_request_count_total              
Fr 1. Dez 09:13:18 CET 2023
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 52413    0 52413    0     0  10.0M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12.4M
# HELP undertow_request_count_total The number of requests this listener has served
# TYPE undertow_request_count_total counter
undertow_request_count_total{app="wildfly",deployment="",job="wildfly",name="default",subdeployment="",type="http-listener"} 0
undertow_request_count_total{app="wildfly",deployment="",job="wildfly",name="https",subdeployment="",type="https-listener"} 0
:~$ date && curl http://t-02:9989/metrics | grep undertow_request_count_total              
Fr 1. Dez 09:13:21 CET 2023
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 52320    0 52320    0     0  8948k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  9.9M
# HELP undertow_request_count_total Number of all requests
# TYPE undertow_request_count_total counter
undertow_request_count_total{app="tb.war",deployment="tb.war",job="wildfly",name="",subdeployment="tb.war",type="servlet"} 0

Is this a wildfly problem?

andrm commented 7 months ago

Is there a way to debug what wildfly is sending?

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been inactive for 60 days. It will be closed in 60 days if there is no activity. To ping code owners by adding a component label, see Adding Labels via Comments, or if you are unsure of which component this issue relates to, please ping @open-telemetry/collector-contrib-triagers. If this issue is still relevant, please ping the code owners or leave a comment explaining why it is still relevant. Otherwise, please close it.

Pinging code owners:

See Adding Labels via Comments if you do not have permissions to add labels yourself.

eaisling commented 5 months ago

I'm having the same issue with Wildfly 30 publishing to the collector

2024-01-31T12:51:54.544Z    error   prometheusexporter@v0.93.0/log.go:23    error gathering metrics: 3 error(s) occurred:
* collected metric undertow_request_count_total label:{name:"app"  value:"uvw.ear"}  label:{name:"deployment"  value:"uvw.ear"}  label:{name:"host"  value:"foooo"}  label:{name:"instance"  value:"bob"}  label:{name:"job"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"maininstance"  value:"false"}  label:{name:"name"  value:"de.bob.JaxRsCoreApplication"}  label:{name:"subdeployment"  value:"rest-api.war"}  label:{name:"type"  value:"servlet"}  counter:{value:0} has help "Number of all requests" but should have "The number of requests this listener has served"
* collected metric undertow_request_count_total label:{name:"app"  value:"uvw.ear"}  label:{name:"deployment"  value:"uvw.ear"}  label:{name:"host"  value:"foooo"}  label:{name:"instance"  value:"bob"}  label:{name:"job"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"maininstance"  value:"false"}  label:{name:"name"  value:"de.bob.JaxRsCoreApplication"}  label:{name:"subdeployment"  value:"webs.war"}  label:{name:"type"  value:"servlet"}  counter:{value:0} has help "Number of all requests" but should have "The number of requests this listener has served"
* collected metric undertow_request_count_total label:{name:"app"  value:"uvw.ear"}  label:{name:"deployment"  value:"uvw.ear"}  label:{name:"host"  value:"foooo"}  label:{name:"instance"  value:"bob"}  label:{name:"job"  value:"wildfly"}  label:{name:"maininstance"  value:"false"}  label:{name:"name"  value:"de.bob.MyRestApplication"}  label:{name:"subdeployment"  value:"rest-api.war"}  label:{name:"type"  value:"servlet"}  counter:{value:0} has help "Number of all requests" but should have "The number of requests this listener has served"
    {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheus"}*promLogger).Println





    endpoint: ""
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [prometheus]
  extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
stmlange commented 4 months ago

I bumped into this problem now too while using the jenkins open-telemetry plugin. Not sure if it is related to


    endpoint: "opentelemetry-collector:9464"
      enabled: true
    enable_open_metrics: true
    add_metric_suffixes: false
        - logging # use for debugging only
        # Disabled until is fixed
        - prometheus

yields (note censored version):

2024-02-06T16:25:34.490Z    info    MetricsExporter {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging", "resource metrics": 1, "metrics": 47, "data points": 128}
2024-02-06T16:25:34.490Z    info    ResourceMetrics #0
Resource SchemaURL: 
Resource attributes:
     -> Str(some-docker-hash-image-value)
     -> host.arch: Str(amd64)
     -> Str(some-docker-hash-image-value)
     -> jenkins.opentelemetry.plugin.version: Str(2.13.0)
     -> jenkins.url: Str(https://some-url/)
     -> jenkins.version: Str(2.387.3)
     -> os.description: Str(Linux)
     -> os.type: Str(linux)
     -> process.runtime.description: Str(Eclipse Adoptium OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11)
     -> Str(OpenJDK Runtime Environment)
     -> process.runtime.version: Str(11)
     -> Str(some-instance-id)
     -> Str(some-name)
     -> service.namespace: Str(some-name)
     -> service.version: Str(2.387.3)
     -> telemetry.sdk.language: Str(java)
     -> Str(opentelemetry)
     -> telemetry.sdk.version: Str(1.25.0)
ScopeMetrics #0
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL: 
InstrumentationScope io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace 
Metric #0
     -> Name: queueSize
     -> Description: The number of spans queued
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> spanProcessorType: Str(BatchSpanProcessor)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #1
     -> Name: processedSpans
     -> Description: The number of spans processed by the BatchSpanProcessor. [dropped=true if they were dropped due to high throughput]
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> dropped: Bool(false)
     -> spanProcessorType: Str(BatchSpanProcessor)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 5641
ScopeMetrics #1
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL: 
InstrumentationScope io.jenkins.opentelemetry 2.13.0
Metric #0
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Job launched
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 318
Metric #1
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Job succeed
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 216
Metric #2
     -> Name: jenkins.queue.time_spent_millis
     -> Description: Total time spent in queue by the tasks that have been processed
     -> Unit: ms
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 93000420
Metric #3
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Number of online agents
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
Metric #4
     -> Name: jenkins.executor.available
     -> Description: Available executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #5
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Job aborted
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 7
Metric #6
     -> Name: jenkins.scm.event.completed_tasks
     -> Description: Number of completed SCM Event tasks
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #7
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Number of agents
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 4
Metric #8
     -> Name: jenkins.queue.waiting
     -> Description: Number of tasks in the queue with the status 'waiting', 'buildable' or 'pending'
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1
Metric #9
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Job completed
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 300
Metric #10
     -> Name: jenkins.executor.busy
     -> Description: Busy executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #11
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Job failed
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 84
Metric #12
     -> Name: jenkins.executor.queue
     -> Description: Defined executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #13
     -> Name: jenkins.executor.idle
     -> Description: Idle executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #14
     -> Name: jenkins.scm.event.pool_size
     -> Description: Number of threads handling SCM Events
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #15
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Online executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #16
     -> Name: jenkins.queue.blocked
     -> Description: Number of blocked tasks in the queue. Note that waiting for an executor to be available is not a reason to be counted as blocked
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #17
     -> Name: jenkins.agents.offline
     -> Description: Number of offline agents
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
Metric #18
     -> Name: login
     -> Description: Logins
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 72
Metric #19
     -> Name: jenkins.queue.buildable
     -> Description: Number of tasks in the queue with the status 'buildable' or 'pending'
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1
Metric #20
     -> Name: jenkins.scm.event.active_threads
     -> Description: Number of threads actively handling SCM Events
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #21
     -> Name: jenkins.executor.connecting
     -> Description: Connecting executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #22
     -> Name: jenkins.scm.event.queued_tasks
     -> Description: Number of queued SCM Event tasks
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
Metric #23
     -> Name:
     -> Description: Job started
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 318
Metric #24
     -> Name: jenkins.queue.left
     -> Description: Total count of tasks that have been processed
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1014
Metric #25
     -> Name: login_success
     -> Description: Successful logins
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 72
Metric #26
     -> Name: jenkins.executor.defined
     -> Description: Defined executors
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(ubuntu)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 16
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(built-in)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(dpa)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 12
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 16
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(release)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> label: Str(jenkins-slave-ubuntu-06)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 4
ScopeMetrics #2
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL: 
InstrumentationScope io.opentelemetry.runtime-metrics 1.24.0-alpha
Metric #0
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.threads.count
     -> Description: Number of executing threads
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> daemon: Bool(false)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 21
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> daemon: Bool(true)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 47
Metric #1
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.memory.limit
     -> Description: Measure of max obtainable memory
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 122912768
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 5836800
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Old Gen)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 11045699584
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Compressed Class Space)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1073741824
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 122908672
Metric #2
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.buffer.limit
     -> Description: Total capacity of the buffers in this pool
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(mapped)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(direct)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 578575
Metric #3
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.memory.committed
     -> Description: Measure of memory committed
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Eden Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 3925868544
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Survivor Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 37748736
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 59506688
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2818048
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Old Gen)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 7082082304
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Compressed Class Space)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 27131904
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Metaspace)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 214499328
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 73990144
Metric #4
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.gc.duration
     -> Description: Duration of JVM garbage collection actions
     -> Unit: ms
     -> DataType: Histogram
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
HistogramDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> action: Str(end of minor GC)
     -> gc: Str(G1 Young Generation)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Count: 462
Sum: 54105.000000
Min: 4.000000
Max: 3849.000000
ExplicitBounds #0: 0.000000
ExplicitBounds #1: 5.000000
ExplicitBounds #2: 10.000000
ExplicitBounds #3: 25.000000
ExplicitBounds #4: 50.000000
ExplicitBounds #5: 75.000000
ExplicitBounds #6: 100.000000
ExplicitBounds #7: 250.000000
ExplicitBounds #8: 500.000000
ExplicitBounds #9: 750.000000
ExplicitBounds #10: 1000.000000
ExplicitBounds #11: 2500.000000
ExplicitBounds #12: 5000.000000
ExplicitBounds #13: 7500.000000
ExplicitBounds #14: 10000.000000
Buckets #0, Count: 0
Buckets #1, Count: 5
Buckets #2, Count: 39
Buckets #3, Count: 88
Buckets #4, Count: 157
Buckets #5, Count: 61
Buckets #6, Count: 25
Buckets #7, Count: 43
Buckets #8, Count: 26
Buckets #9, Count: 8
Buckets #10, Count: 1
Buckets #11, Count: 7
Buckets #12, Count: 2
Buckets #13, Count: 0
Buckets #14, Count: 0
Buckets #15, Count: 0
Metric #5
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.cpu.utilization
     -> Description: Recent cpu utilization for the process
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0.003514
Metric #6
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.system.cpu.load_1m
     -> Description: Average CPU load of the whole system for the last minute
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0.090000
Metric #7
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.classes.loaded
     -> Description: Number of classes loaded since JVM start
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 36111
Metric #8
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.classes.current_loaded
     -> Description: Number of classes currently loaded
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 30102
Metric #9
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.classes.unloaded
     -> Description: Number of classes unloaded since JVM start
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 6009
Metric #10
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.buffer.usage
     -> Description: Memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(mapped)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(direct)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 578575
Metric #11
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.buffer.count
     -> Description: The number of buffers in the pool
     -> Unit: {buffers}
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(mapped)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(direct)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 52
Metric #12
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.memory.init
     -> Description: Measure of initial memory requested
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Eden Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 35651584
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Survivor Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2555904
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2555904
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Old Gen)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 656408576
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Compressed Class Space)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Metaspace)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2555904
Metric #13
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
     -> Description: Measure of memory used
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Eden Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 413138944
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Survivor Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 37748736
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 58739840
NumberDataPoints #3
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'non-nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 2641280
NumberDataPoints #4
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Old Gen)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1402521008
NumberDataPoints #5
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Compressed Class Space)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 20638872
NumberDataPoints #6
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(Metaspace)
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 186798808
NumberDataPoints #7
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods')
     -> type: Str(non_heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 71704320
Metric #14
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.system.cpu.utilization
     -> Description: Recent cpu utilization for the whole system
     -> Unit: 1
     -> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0.022191
Metric #15
     -> Name: process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage_after_last_gc
     -> Description: Measure of memory used after the most recent garbage collection event on this pool
     -> Unit: By
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: false
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Eden Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 0
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Survivor Space)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 37748736
NumberDataPoints #2
Data point attributes:
     -> pool: Str(G1 Old Gen)
     -> type: Str(heap)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1217955216
ScopeMetrics #3
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL: 
InstrumentationScope io.opentelemetry.exporters.otlp-grpc-okhttp 
Metric #0
     -> Name: otlp.exporter.exported
     -> Description: 
     -> Unit: 
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> success: Bool(true)
     -> type: Str(span)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 5641
NumberDataPoints #1
Data point attributes:
     -> success: Bool(false)
     -> type: Str(span)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 1034
Metric #1
     -> Name: otlp.exporter.seen
     -> Description: 
     -> Unit: 
     -> DataType: Sum
     -> IsMonotonic: true
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
     -> type: Str(span)
StartTimestamp: 2024-01-31 09:06:33.004223 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2024-02-06 16:25:33.02364 +0000 UTC
Value: 6675
    {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging"}
2024-02-06T16:25:37.383Z    error   prometheusexporter@v0.93.0/log.go:23    error gathering metrics: collected metric queueSize label:{name:"container_id" value:"some-container-id"} label:{name:"host_arch" value:"amd64"} label:{name:"host_name" value:"some-hostname"} label:{name:"instance" value:"some-intance-value"} label:{name:"jenkins_opentelemetry_plugin_version" value:"2.18.0"} label:{name:"jenkins_url" value:"https://some-url/"} label:{name:"jenkins_version" value:"2.387.3"} label:{name:"job" value:"some-job"} label:{name:"logRecordProcessorType" value:"BatchLogRecordProcessor"} label:{name:"os_description" value:"Linux"} label:{name:"os_type" value:"linux"} label:{name:"process_runtime_description" value:"Eclipse Adoptium OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11"} label:{name:"process_runtime_name" value:"OpenJDK Runtime Environment"} label:{name:"process_runtime_version" value:"11"} label:{name:"service_instance_id" value:"some-instance-id"} label:{name:"service_name" value:"jenkins"} label:{name:"service_namespace" value:"jenkins"} label:{name:"service_version" value:"2.387.3"} label:{name:"telemetry_sdk_language" value:"java"} label:{name:"telemetry_sdk_name" value:"opentelemetry"} label:{name:"telemetry_sdk_version" value:"1.30.1"} gauge:{value:0} has help "The number of logs queued" but should have "The number of spans queued"
    {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "prometheus"}*promLogger).Println
github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue has been inactive for 60 days. It will be closed in 60 days if there is no activity. To ping code owners by adding a component label, see Adding Labels via Comments, or if you are unsure of which component this issue relates to, please ping @open-telemetry/collector-contrib-triagers. If this issue is still relevant, please ping the code owners or leave a comment explaining why it is still relevant. Otherwise, please close it.

Pinging code owners:

See Adding Labels via Comments if you do not have permissions to add labels yourself.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

This issue has been inactive for 60 days. It will be closed in 60 days if there is no activity. To ping code owners by adding a component label, see Adding Labels via Comments, or if you are unsure of which component this issue relates to, please ping @open-telemetry/collector-contrib-triagers. If this issue is still relevant, please ping the code owners or leave a comment explaining why it is still relevant. Otherwise, please close it.

Pinging code owners:

See Adding Labels via Comments if you do not have permissions to add labels yourself.

thoraage commented 1 week ago

It seems that this is the error that the Wildfly users are experiencing: It would probably not hurt to give it a vote.