Add @ArthurSens as a codeowner for the prometheus exporters and prometheus translator. He has been an active contributor and reviewer of changes to these components, and has shown good judgement in that regard. He is also active in related efforts (OTLP support, PRW 2.0 support) in the prometheus server.
Thanks for the contributions @ArthurSens!
cc @Aneurysm9 @rapphil @bertysentry
As existing codeowners.
Add @ArthurSens as a codeowner for the prometheus exporters and prometheus translator. He has been an active contributor and reviewer of changes to these components, and has shown good judgement in that regard. He is also active in related efforts (OTLP support, PRW 2.0 support) in the prometheus server.
Thanks for the contributions @ArthurSens!
cc @Aneurysm9 @rapphil @bertysentry As existing codeowners.