open-telemetry / opentelemetry-collector-contrib

Contrib repository for the OpenTelemetry Collector
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Proposal: Span Stats processor #403

Closed ashwinidulams closed 3 years ago

ashwinidulams commented 4 years ago

Span Statistics Proposal

A processor for aggregating spans to derive RED (Request, Error, Distribution) metrics across a set of dimensions (dynamic or otherwise) and exporting the results to a metrics sink (prometheus endpoint, stream etc).


A trace contains end-to-end data about the service call chain in the context of a request/transaction. This data can be mined to derive context rich metrics that can help us identify and isolate the problem as quickly as possible. For example, span level aggregation can be used to detect any performance problems within the process boundary defined by the span.

Instead of forwarding the spans to a separate processor (stream processing application) for aggregation, a otel processor can process the spans in flight and emit RED metrics at configurable time intervals.

Proposed Configuration

  # name of the processor 
    # time window for aggregation in seconds.
    timewindowseconds: 15
    # dimensions for aggregation. could be an array of aggregations as well.
    # for each set of dimensions, RED (request, error and distribution) metrics will be emitted aggregated per timewindow.
    - http.url
    - custom_tag1
    # sink for metrics
      # prometheus sink with a endpoint exposed at port 24880
      # alternately could be a kafka stream.
      prometheusport: 24880
jrcamp commented 4 years ago

Just so it's not lost, @jmacd wrote in the original issue:

See open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification#657, which aims to specify conventions for this kind of processor.

jmacd commented 4 years ago

There is a related discussion


This is a great thing and we should have such a processor. I would expect this processor to output OTLP metrics into a metrics pipeline, which I believe is implied by the config snippet above. :+1:

pauldraper commented 4 years ago

What are the metrics? span.count and span.duration?

Does it make sense to allow attributes as metrics (e.g. response.bytes)?

albertteoh commented 4 years ago

I'd like to take on this task if no one's put their hand up yet.

I would expect this processor to output OTLP metrics into a metrics pipeline

@jmacd, this suggestion makes a lot of sense, as I've recently learned from @jpkrohling. As I'm new to OTEL, what do you suggest would be the best approach to achieving this? I haven't put too much thought into it, but my initial thinking is to copy the OTLP exporter's metrics exporting functionality.

If this doesn't sound like the right approach, can you please point me in the right general direction?

albertteoh commented 3 years ago

I've put together a Proof of Concept. Here's a screenshot of a Grafana dashboard based on the R.E.D metrics aggregated from span data. It contains a line graph of hit counts (Request rate), Error counts and rates and a histogram of latencies for a specific endpoint (Duration):

Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 9 07 30 pm
albertteoh commented 3 years ago

Wondering if I could get some early feedback on this from the community, particularly, the approach taken to transform trace telemetry to metrics, which I've illustrated here:

Metrics from trace processor 3 pipelines (1)

The approach is to have a common trace receiver that feeds two pipelines, a trace-only pipeline for trace ingestion, and a trace->metrics pipeline that performs aggregations on span data and writes them out to a configured metrics exporter.

The exporter is chosen using a processor configuration like so:

     endpoint: ""

    metrics_exporter: prometheus

And the code that performs the metrics exporter discovery:

// Start implements the component.Component interface.
func (p *processorImp) Start(ctx context.Context, host component.Host) error {
    exporters := host.GetExporters()

    for k, exp := range exporters[configmodels.MetricsDataType] {
                // Check if the exporter k has the same name as the configured exporter. e.g. prometheus
        if k.Name() == p.config.MetricsExporter {
            p.metricsExporter = metricsExp
    if p.metricsExporter == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf( "failed to find metrics exporter: '%s'", p.config.MetricsExporter)
    return nil

That all seems okay to me so far, though please suggest any improvements to the above proposed approach.

The part that I'm less sure of is the user experience when configuring pipelines, which seems less than ideal due to the following OTEL collector constraints (which make sense by the way):

  1. Needing at least one receiver and at least one exporter in a pipeline.
  2. Exporters are only discoverable if they belong to a pipeline.

Here's the relevant sections of my POC config. Note the need for:

To me, the need for these dummy configuration entries makes for a less than ideal configuration experience for those using this processor and wondering if folks have any suggestions to improve this?

objectiser commented 3 years ago

@albertteoh Could there be a concept of a local metrics receiver, that any component could generate metrics for? So then the spanmetrics processor could be part of the normal trace pipeline, and the local metrics receiver could be used to trigger a single metrics pipeline.

         endpoint: "localhost:12345"


     endpoint: ""

    metrics_receiver: local/mymetrics

     receivers: [otlp]
     processors: [spanmetrics, batch, queued_retry]
     exporters: [logging]
     receivers: [local/mymetrics]
     exporters: [prometheus]
albertteoh commented 3 years ago

Thanks @objectiser, that config looks cleaner. Please correct me if I'm wrong; I think the spanmetrics processor still needs an exporter as they expose the ConsumeMetrics function for sending metrics (i.e. to trigger a pipeline), whereas receivers don't offer such means.

Your suggestion got me thinking though... I'd like to understand the motivation for needing at least one receiver in a pipeline? Removing this requirement would mean a local receiver is no longer needed for the use case of producing metrics from traces, and we simply configure what's necessary (@tigrannajaryan @bogdandrutu, what do you think?):

         endpoint: ""

     endpoint: ""

    metrics_exporter: prometheus

     receivers: [jaeger]
     processors: [spanmetrics, batch, queued_retry]
     exporters: [logging]
     exporters: [prometheus]
objectiser commented 3 years ago

@albertteoh My suggestions were not based on the current internal implementation, but focusing first on how it might be simplified for configuration - and then address how to deal with this "local" receiver as a second consideration.

I like your updated suggestion as well - my only comment would be that it would not allow any processors to be defined on the metrics generated by the spanmetrics processor - whereas if those metrics could be passed to a local receiver, it still offers the full metrics pipeline to process the metrics and potentially export to multiple destinations.

djaglowski commented 3 years ago

Here is a very rough draft of an alternate proposal. I'm providing here in case it may generate useful discussion or ideas.

objectiser commented 3 years ago

@djaglowski Sounds reasonable - although for clarity could you add an example OTC config that addresses this use case, for example:

djaglowski commented 3 years ago

@objectiser, I've updated the doc to include your example scenario and a possible configuration for it. This example highlights a gap in my proposal, which I've also addressed at the end. Thanks for reviewing, and for the suggestion.

objectiser commented 3 years ago

@djaglowski Looks good, thanks for the update.

albertteoh commented 3 years ago

Thanks for putting together the proposal, @djaglowski.

I feel an important requirement for trace -> metrics aggregation is having access to all span data before any filtering (like tail-based sampling) and potentially after span modification processors are applied.

If I understand correctly, the signal translators are implemented as exporters, which I believe would be subject to all processors in the pipeline being executed first before reaching the exporter and hence potentially result in lower-fidelity metrics.

djaglowski commented 3 years ago

@albertteoh I believe my proposal covers this, though the usability may be a bit poor.

In the example shown in the doc, copied below, pipeline a is a forking mechanism for the raw traces, so that they can be 1) passed along to pipeline b without modification, and 2) processed into metrics and passed to pipeline c.

    endpoint: ""
    endpoint: ""


    endpoint: ""
  tracestometrics: # perform some derivation and behave as otlp/metricsexporter
    endpoint: ""

      receivers: [some/tracingreceiver]
      exporters: [otlp/tracingexporter, tracestometrics]
      receivers: [some/tracingreceiver]
      processors: [some/tracingprocessor]
      exporters: [some/tracingexporter]
      receivers: [some/metricsreceiver]
      processors: [some/metricsprocessor]
      exporters: [some/metricsexporter]

Diagram: image

djaglowski commented 3 years ago

A new type of component would simplify the above proposal. This is pretty similar to the "local receiver" idea proposed by @objectiser.

I've expanded upon this in the doc, but at a high level, the idea is that translators could be used to link pipelines together:




translators: # must be used as both exporter and receiver

      receivers: [some/tracingreceiver]
      exporters: [tracestotraces, tracestometrics]
      receivers: [tracestotraces]
      processors: [some/tracingprocessor]
      exporters: [some/tracingexporter]
      receivers: [tracestometrics]
      processors: [some/metricsprocessor]
      exporters: [some/metricsexporter]


objectiser commented 3 years ago

@djaglowski Haven't looked in the doc, so possibly explained there - but what is the purpose of the Traces to Traces Translater? Seems redundant as just dealing with the trace pipeline.

djaglowski commented 3 years ago

@objectiser It would probably make more sense if described as a Traces Forwarder. The reasoning for this to be included here at all, is that it would be a bridge between pipelines.

Ultimately, this is all in the context of trying to work with the existing pipeline format, where a fan out happens before Exporters. A "Translator" would be an abstraction of an Exporter/Receiver combo that bridges two pipelines.


objectiser commented 3 years ago

@djaglowski Ok thanks for the explanation - I'm not familiar with the internals of the collector so may be wrong - but I thought Traces Receiver could just be shared by pipeline A and B (i.e. also used as the receiver for pipeline B instead of the Traces to Traces Translator) to achieve the same result?

djaglowski commented 3 years ago

@objectiser You might be right about being able to reuse components.

However, for the purpose of chaining together pipelines, I believe it would become ambiguous which pipeline you intend to emit to.

The Traces Forwarder would be an abstraction on both a receiver and an exporter, both of which are configured to communicate on a specific port. image

So the idea here was to encapsulate all the details of linking the two together, and just have a single component instead.

albertteoh commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the additional details @djaglowski. I like the translator/forwarder/bridge concept, especially given it tightly couples the exporter and receiver link between pipelines which avoids ambiguity on where exporters will route requests to, and hence a better user experience. It satisfies the requirement for chaining pipelines and "mixed" telemetry type pipelines, while IIUC, maintaining backwards compatibility with existing interfaces.

I also agree that your proposal satisfies the requirement of aggregating traces to metrics before processing.

tigrannajaryan commented 3 years ago

@djaglowski I commented on the design doc.

tigrannajaryan commented 3 years ago

Is this now done or more work is planned?

albertteoh commented 3 years ago

@tigrannajaryan, I've been following the contributing guidelines so there's one last PR required which is to enable the spanmetrics processor component, if you're happy for me to go ahead with it.

halayli commented 3 years ago

If the goal of this processor is to convert traces to a metrics, then It should focus on extraction and shouldn't do any aggregation but rather pass the metrics to a metrics processor. And as far as I can tell, in its current implementation it's ignoring the span events which are as important as span attributes.

albertteoh commented 3 years ago

@halayli could you elaborate more on what you mean, particularly about extraction and span events?

Tenaria commented 2 years ago

Agree with @halayli's comment above that the span metrics processor shouldn't aggregate but simply extract the metrics for the trace and forward. I feel like the span metrics processor is becoming a bit convoluted due to the added layer of complexity introduced by aggregation that is further complicated as we add in more features.

In my opinion if aggregation is desired, that can be a part of a separate processor - I saw this open issue which is highly relevant in that case. That way we don't have all these processors that are all doing multiple things (e.g it sounds like the metric transform processor is also doing some aggregation). I think it'll help us moving forward.

What are other people's thoughts around this (maintainers/contributors/other users /etc.), would you be receptive to this change in removing the aggregation?

tonychoe commented 2 years ago

I agree that we better keep this processor to generating span-metrics only. I prefer to do aggregation via the metrics backend or other otelcol processor.

albertteoh commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Tenaria for bringing up this topic again.

+1 to separating the span to metrics translation from the metrics aggregation concern.

Reading over the comments again, I think I've got a better appreciation of @halayli's the suggestion (although I'm still not sure what span events refer to). I noticed in the last few PRs that there was a fair bit of discussion around locking, concurrency and performance, and I suspect these concerns should be mitigated if we remove aggregation.

When spanmetrics processor first came to being, the goal was just to get something working quickly to prove its utility. Clearly, it's evolved to the point where the need to decouple the aggregation and translation concerns is quite evident.

Fortunately, in @tigrannajaryan's greater wisdom, the spanmetrics processor is still in "experimental" mode so I'm not too concerned about introducing breaking changes at this stage, and this will be a breaking change.

tigrannajaryan commented 2 years ago

I support the idea of separating the concerns of extracting metric values from spans (which can be this specialized processor) vs aggregating the extracted metrics (which can be a generic metric aggregation processor).

However if we are doing breaking change I suggest that we first announce it before start making changes (in Slack and in SIG meeting), put together a 1-pager that describes how the new approach will work, how it will substitute the current approach and how the changes will be rolled out (very rough plan with rollout steps would be great to have). Since the new approach relies on having the metric aggregation processor we must ensure that metric aggregation processor exists before the aggregation features are removed from this processor (otherwise we will end up in temporary a state where we don't have feature parity with the current processor).

If anyone is willing to drive this change then the maintainers/approvers will be happy to review.

jamesmoessis commented 2 years ago

@tigrannajaryan it seems the metrictransformprocessor has aggregation functionalities, albeit it looks a little outdated from first glance. Is there still interest in a completely new and separate metricsaggregatorprocessor?

tigrannajaryan commented 2 years ago

I would expect that metrictransformprocessor should be able to do the aggregation that we need.

There is an effort to refine the metrictransformprocessor, which I am not following closely, so I don't know where exactly they are right now:

jmacd commented 2 years ago

What I'd like to see in the future / it would be cool if a span exporter would use an OpenTelemetry metrics API MeterProvider configured to use a private instance of an OTel-Go Metrics SDK configured to output to a metrics receiver.

There's a 1:1 correspondence between Spans arriving and Meter(library_name).Counter(span_name).Add(adjusted_count) API events, so the span receiver would be extremely simple and stateless itself.

The OTel-Go SDK would do the aggregation for you, and note that it's performing aggregation over counter events, not arbitrary metrics data points. The logic required inside an SDK for aggregating events into OTLP is substantially simpler than a generic metrics aggregation processor, that's why I think this is a good idea.

tigrannajaryan commented 2 years ago

What I'd like to see in the future / it would be cool if a span exporter would use an OpenTelemetry metrics API MeterProvider configured to use a private instance of an OTel-Go Metrics SDK configured to output to a metrics receiver.

It will likely not have the best performance due to extra conversions and (de)serialization. For better performance we need to stay in pdata space.

MovieStoreGuy commented 2 years ago

It will likely not have the best performance due to extra conversions and (de)serialization. For better performance we need to stay in pdata space.

Did someone say generics? :trollface:

But I agree, moving towards a scoped meter that can remain in pdata space sounds like the best solution for this.

ambition-consulting commented 2 years ago

I've put together a Proof of Concept. Here's a screenshot of a Grafana dashboard based on the R.E.D metrics aggregated from span data. It contains a line graph of hit counts (Request rate), Error counts and rates and a histogram of latencies for a specific endpoint (Duration):

Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 9 07 30 pm

Hey @albertteoh, do you have the grafana config for this available somewhere? I'm using your plugin and would like to visualize those metrcis now that I got it working.

Sweet work btw. :)

albertteoh commented 2 years ago

@ambition-consulting you can try:

ambition-consulting commented 2 years ago

@ambition-consulting you can try:

@albertteoh this looks great, but the values get hard coded on export. can I please (!) get a json with the functions being applied on the output of the spanmetricsprocessor?

my asumption is that this is what the dashboard does? or are those just dummy values that don't come from spanmetric processor?