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Error Decoding Receivers Unknown Type awscloudwatchmetrics #649

Closed amarigny closed 3 months ago

amarigny commented 3 months ago


I was looking to use the awscloudwatchmetrics and ran into the below scenario:

Using otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.107.0 and attempting to use the awscloudwatchmetrics receiver ( gave the following error:

error decoding 'receivers': unknown type: "awscloudwatchmetrics" for id: "awscloudwatchmetrics" (valid values: [expvar influxdb memcached postgresql sapm elasticsearch awsxray googlecloudspanner k8s_events pulsar snowflake sqlquery statsd nop httpcheck otelarrow podman_stats datadog k8sobjects kafka loki namedpipe oracledb journald riak tcplog couchdb opencensus wavefront webhookevent mongodbatlas purefb prometheus_simple splunk_hec nsxt filelog haproxy jaeger sshcheck vcenter windowsperfcounters apachespark active_directory_ds awsfirehose kafkametrics signalfx windowseventlog otlp filestats hostmetrics iis splunkenterprise sqlserver awscloudwatch zookeeper carbon chrony cloudfoundry googlecloudpubsub nginx otlpjsonfile zipkin apache azureblob azuremonitor docker_stats kubeletstats mysql snmp aerospike collectd jmx mongodb purefa rabbitmq udplog azureeventhub awsecscontainermetrics cloudflare prometheus skywalking awscontainerinsightreceiver flinkmetrics fluentforward k8s_cluster receiver_creator redis solace syslog bigip]) Stream closed EOF for otel-collector/testing-opentelemetry-collector-agent-5w5rh (opentelemetry-collector)

Not sure if this is related to the list defined in distributions/otelcol-contrib/manifest.yaml.

dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Hello, @amarigny! I'm here to help you with any bugs, questions, or contributions you have. Let's work on resolving this issue together.

The error you're encountering is due to the awscloudwatchmetrics receiver not being recognized in your current setup with otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.107.0. This is because the awscloudwatchmetrics receiver is not listed in the manifest.yaml file for that version of the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib [1].

To resolve this issue, you should consider upgrading to a newer version of the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib that includes the awscloudwatchmetrics receiver. You can check the manifest.yaml file in the distributions/otelcol-contrib directory of the newer versions to confirm the inclusion of the awscloudwatchmetrics receiver.

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

jpkrohling commented 3 months ago

Dosu is correct, the component isn't there, as it's still under development:

In fact, this component will likely be removed before it's complete, as the development has stalled on that one.