open-telemetry / opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib

This repository contains set of components extending functionality of the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK. Instrumentation libraries, exporters, and other components can find their home here.
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Rename `OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.StackExchangeRedis` to a more generic name #1916

Open julianocosta89 opened 1 week ago

julianocosta89 commented 1 week ago



Is your feature request related to a problem?

No response

What is the expected behavior?

Redis has recently changed its licensing and Valkey was created by the community to continue the project as an Open Source driven project. Valkey/about:

The transition garnered substantial backing from leading tech corporations including AWS, Google, Oracle, Ericsson, and Snap, with the Linux Foundation stepping in to provide a stable platform for this new direction.

Linux Foundation Launches Open Source Valkey Community.

The OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.StackExchangeRedis works perfectly with Valkey.

Which alternative solutions or features have you considered?

It would be great to have a more generic name to the instrumentation, or a duplicated instrumentation as both projects may differ in the future.

Additional context

I've sent a PR to the OTel demo replacing Redis with Valkey:

Everything is working as expected.

Kielek commented 1 week ago

I think that the package has correct name. It is instrumenting StackExchnageRedis client. As I understand, it can be also used as Valkey client.

I do not found any new Valkey client. If it occurs it should implement native support for instrumentation. Then for the traces you could call something like tracerBuilder.AddSource("Valkey.Client");. Please let me know if it make sense to you.