open-telemetry / opentelemetry-erlang-api

Erlang/Elixir OpenTelemetry API
Apache License 2.0
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Datadog exporter #60

Closed jared-mackey closed 3 years ago

jared-mackey commented 4 years ago

I would love to see a datadog exporter. Especially with support for span analytics out of the box.

I don’t know erlang very well or else I’d be super happy to jump in and help. Willing to contribute to an elixir one if that makes sense to do so.

hauleth commented 4 years ago

It is better to have one in Erlang as it would allow to use it in more applications, especially as building Elixir projects from Rebar3 isn't that easy. In past I have written one for OpenTelemetry when that was still a thing so I can help you with that, but as I am not using DD currently I will not work directly on that right now.

tsloughter commented 4 years ago

I think @hauleth meant OpenCensus?

Note that you can use the Otel collector to be able to export to many different services and

DataDog isn't one of them yet, so doesn't help you at the moment.

Obviously it is great to have them also available in Erlang/Elixir to not require using the collector, I just wanted to mention it.

With @hauleth 's help and we have the Spandex devs, @GregMefford @zachdaniel involved, we should be able to get a great DataDog exporter put together :).

@hauleth is also right that Elixir projects from rebar3 is not as well supported as I'd like.. But I would like to be forced to improve that experience :). Honeycomb exporter is in Elixir so that one I will be working on improving the rebar3-mix experience around.

It is also easy enough to convert Elixir to Erlang (at least in a case like an exporter where there isn't need for macros) so I wouldn't want to discourage development of exporters written in Elixir :)

hauleth commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I meant OpenCensus. Too many names…