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API design question for metrics instrument usage #746

Open tsloughter opened 1 month ago

tsloughter commented 1 month ago

Currently the macros like counter_add do:

-define(counter_add(NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes),
        case is_atom(NameOrInstrument) of 
            true -> 
                otel_counter:add(otel_ctx:get_current(), ?current_meter, NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes); 
            false -> 
                otel_counter:add(otel_ctx:get_current(), NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes) 

This, rightly, upsets dialyzer as we can see in the contrib example roll_dice_elli:

?counter_add(?ROLL_COUNTER, 1, #{'roll.value' => Roll}),
Line 40 Column 38: The pattern 'false' can never match the type 'true'

I think we need to split the macro into 2 for each instrument but I'm not sure what to name them so opening this issue :).

I suppose another option is to always pass ?MODULE to otel_counter:add so it can do the ?current_meter itself...

otel_counter:add(otel_ctx:get_current(), ?MODULE, NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes); 
ferd commented 1 month ago

right, because the case expression is fully local, the branch is unique to each call-site.

I'm noticing that we already do some dynamic dispatch on otel_counter:add/4:

I don't think adding a similar match in add/5 would be a problem, if anything it may increase consistency?

tsloughter commented 1 month ago

The problem is the use of ?MODULE. We'd have to always pass the module for the meter to maybe be looked up in the counter module.

ferd commented 1 month ago

An alternative is to make it a sort of "private API" function that the macro uses to create a layer of indirection but passes the union of all required context to.


-define(counter_add(NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes),
        otel_counter:'_macro_helper_add'(otel_ctx:get_current(), ?current_meter, NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes)).

% [...] within otel_counter, maybe?
'_macro_helper_add'(Ctx, Meter, NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes) ->
        case is_atom(NameOrInstrument) of 
            true -> 
               add(Ctx, Meter, NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes); 
            false -> 
               add(Ctx, NameOrInstrument, Number, Attributes) 

This looks like hot garbage internally but keeps macro usage unchanged.

I would however say that the arity confusion likely transfers to users of the app who aren't quite sure when to pass in the right data types?

tsloughter commented 1 month ago

Hm, interesting idea.

Yea, arity confusion. Have messed that up a few places. Maybe a reason to make it separate calls. ?instrument_counter_add(...).

ferd commented 1 month ago

Yeah separate calls would have a clear demarcation of type signatures and split docs automatically. Sounds like it's a bit wordier but clearer for usage.