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Question: Plans for Node.js ESM Module Support? #1946

Closed astorm closed 1 year ago

astorm commented 3 years ago

Opening this issue based on a conversation with @dyladan and @obecny in order to start a wider discussion.

Has there been any talk about how the Node side of the project is going to address to coming ESM/ES6 module migration that (parts of) the node community is planning once Node 10 reaches end of life?

Specifically -- Node.js has added native support (no bundler needed) for the import statment and ESM/ES6 modules. These modules can't be monkey-patched in the same way that CommonJS can via require-in-the-middle. This means a lot of auto instrumentation is going to stop working as packages begin to adopt ESM modules and end users begin to use them.

Node's ESM modules have a loader API which might offer a way to monkey-patch modules in the same way, but I don't know if anyone's done any public research on that yet. (waves in the direction of @michaelgoin for reasons)

In addition to the question of instrumentation, there's the question of what sort of modules this project will publish to NPM (CommonJS, ESM, both) and whether the project's individual modules will ship with with type attribute set or not.

Finally, FWIW, these questions come out of a discussion with @delvedor and @mcollina about fastify's plans for ESM support, and that @mcollina pulled together a list of the relevant Node.js core working groups and issues for folks interested in getting involved on that side of things.

Flarna commented 3 years ago

The main problem with the loader API is that it is still experimental and it doesn't seem that this changes soon.

The current limitations are severe, e.g. only one loader per process is allowed. Monitoring tools like OTel should not eat the unique resource.

I think the Otel project can't do much about this as it has to rely on the infrastructure available. Unfortunatelly this is only monkey patching for now - which seems to be "broken" by ESM. I remember some node PRs to improve loader APIs but some of them abandoned because endless discussions. But I think this is more a topic for node repo this one.

In short I fear that APM tools (incl Otel) and ESM will not fall in love soon.

Flarna commented 3 years ago

Another option to avoid the need for monkey patching / loader hooks would be to avoid creating speparate instrumentation packages. Instead integrate OpenTelementry API directly into the frameworks in question. If they reject such a dependency at least hooks/events could be added to allow an instrumentation to get the needed data via a public, documented interface.

dyladan commented 3 years ago

Another option to avoid the need for monkey patching / loader hooks would be to avoid creating speparate instrumentation packages. Instead integrate OpenTelementry API directly into the frameworks in question. If they reject such a dependency at least hooks/events could be added to allow an instrumentation to get the needed data via a public, documented interface.

This is the best case for us, but it will most likely be a slow process. It is already beginning in some places though

mcollina commented 3 years ago

FYI, Fastify offers integration points to gather all sort of information. There are a few modules that provide open telemetry integration:

weyert commented 3 years ago

Another option to avoid the need for monkey patching / loader hooks would be to avoid creating speparate instrumentation packages. Instead integrate OpenTelementry API directly into the frameworks in question. If they reject such a dependency at least hooks/events could be added to allow an instrumentation to get the needed data via a public, documented interface.

This is the best case for us, but it will most likely be a slow process. It is already beginning in some places though typeorm/typeorm#7406

Yeah, I created that ticket. We are actively using TypeORM at work and trying to find out if TypeORM would be interested in me making a pull request to built-in OpenTelemetry support

michaelgoin commented 3 years ago

Think I got pinged cause I'd done some early experimental module loader investigation and had proven out some concepts.

I was also going to mention I thought an early goal of these efforts (even before the merge into Open Telemetry) was to encourage framework authors to integrate Open Telemetry, given being a vendor-agnostic and hopefully future go-to standard. So perhaps focusing there is a better use of time, as others have beat me to. (Along w/ the integration points approach, although that then requires further instrumentation writing).

If auto-instrumentation was going to be a long-term goal, then I do think a project like this is perfect for helping Node evolve its story for providing good support for instrumenting ESM. Really, all APM/Observability vendors for their various needs but certainly this as an open standard.

astorm commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the background and the thoughts @Flarna -- they're appreciated and useful. I agree that an optimal end goal for the project is to have enough influence and sway that library and framework authors welcome adding instrumentation directly to their libraries and frameworks. I also agree that ESM loaders aren't quite there yet and aren't something oTel can do by itself with the current ESM implementation in Node.js.

That said -- right now there aren't many libraries with oTel instrumentation built in and monkey patching allows anyone to write instrumentation for a framework. It seems like this patching of require is something that, at least in the medium term, is going to be needed if this project wants to see wider adoption. My assumption is there's a need for a similar monkey patching of modules loaded via the native import statment in Node.js, and that the loader mechanism is the what the Node.js core team has proposed as a replacement for directly patching require.

It's fair to say that it's ultimately up to Node's core team to provide a replacement for this lost functionality -- but it's equally fair to say that Node's core can't do this alone. They need both feedback and direct help from APM/Observability vendors. It seems like OpenTelemetry/CNCF are ideally situated to be a conduit for this.

This is just me thinking out loud but I wonder if the next best steps would be for someone on the OpenTelemetry side of the fence to develop an ESM loader prototype that could be used in place of require-in-the-middle? With a prototype written we'd have a piece of code to bring to Node's core team that would highlight the issues with the current loader implementation, and provide focus for the future work on ESM loaders.

Also -- speaking of future work on ESM loaders, based on these comments it sounds like Node.js core contributor @GeoffreyBooth is up for reviving a working group and mentoring folks who might be interested in working on these features and bringing some of the debates @Flarna mentioned to a close. This sounds like a great opportunity for anyone that's wanted to get involved and influence Node.js core development.

astorm commented 3 years ago

Think I got pinged cause I'd done some early experimental module loader investigation and had proven out some concepts. No passive voice needed @michaelgoin, that's exactly why I pinged you. :)

Do you think that work is something that New Relic would be willing/able to share? It seems like it might be a good basis for the prototype I mentioned above (if OpenTelemetry decides an ESM loader is needed/appropriate).

Flarna commented 3 years ago

@astorm A while ago I ran across this which seems to be what you are looking for. But not sure if this fits current loader hooks or is based on an older variant.

And I agree that something like monkey patching will be needed. My main point was that once OTel API is GA we have now something in place which is not experimental and open source to approach libraries. We should at least try to get monitoring support into the libraries instead of blind continue the error-prone monkey patching approach.

michaelgoin commented 3 years ago

@astorm I don't think I'd have issues getting NR to share but it looks like that article @Flarna shared is pretty similar to what we'd experimented with (leveraging params, etc.). If we do find a need, I can dig back through the old notes and see if there's anything additionally useful to surface up. We also experimented pretty early on so unsure how out of date things are. Or I could likely carve out time to help prototype (and document), as desired.

One thing that was the case back when I first researched, which may or may not still be the case, is CJS modules imported into ESM had full resolve paths so our module/instrumentation name matching was off for auto-instrumentation even with the common loader. We have not gotten to bridging that gap yet and unsure if that will be a problem for this project or not (can't remember how the auto-instrumentation is hooked up anymore). But that may be a small stop-gap-ish thing that may want to get solved regardless, if an issue.

On a further note, I'm confident NR would be willing to help instrument willing frameworks out there to help with Open Telemetry's success.

chuanqisun commented 3 years ago

Might be relevant: I was using a downstream library built with opentelemetry and it requires excessive configuration to make rollup bundler happy with opentelemetry. But I was still stuck because I was using vite, which is built on top of rollup and it conflicts with the vanilla rollup config. Then I cracked open the Azure sdk and realized it has written a money patch fix for opentelemetry's export issue.

So I wonder if opentelemetry can do something at the upstream so more bundlers can directly consume it. I also wonder if the folks from Azure SDK would be able to provide some help as they have already spent so much effort hacking around it. Here is their PR

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago is the equivalent change that was done to dd-trace-js.

I was bitten by this breaking for some (but not all) of my instrumentation when I moved to ESM, because I imported knex (which is cjs), which in turn loads postgres, and that instrumentation kept working. But the code loaded directly from my ESM main module (express, http) didn't get automatically patched because the hook never was called.

Discussion here:

dyladan commented 3 years ago

Seems like the changes are relatively simple to make

They create a small shim that returs iitm only on supported node versions like this:

'use strict'

const semver = require('semver')
const logger = require('./log')

if (semver.satisfies(process.versions.node, '^12.20.0 || >=14.13.1')) {
  module.exports = require('import-in-the-middle')
} else {
  logger.warn('ESM is not fully supported by this version of Node.js, ' +
    'so dd-trace will not intercept ESM loading.')
  module.exports = () => {}

Then when they call hook they also call esmHook.

    hook(instrumentedModules, this._hookModule.bind(this))
    esmHook(instrumentedModules, this._hookModule.bind(this))

Simple in theory, though I'm not sure if this would have other impact we're not aware of at the moment. Particularly concerning is that the documentation for the hooks API specifically states it should not be used

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

"experimental" heh

so in order to enable include-in-the-middle, it requires running Node with -loader, so users will need to specify that flag when starting to opt in, otherwise I believe it'll no-op to register an override with include-in-the-middle given it won't be called at all.

but if we don't implement this, it becomes an area of missing features/lack of parity I fear :)

mcollina commented 3 years ago

Supporting ESM is going to be a moving target for a year or so. I recommend to follow up on this and inform the loaders team of any blockers:

(The API for loaders is going to change soon)

dyladan commented 3 years ago

If we implement this it can be done in the instrumentation package where we already wrap ritm exactly for this type of scenario. Implementation in one place would make it available to all instrumentations.

It seems we have at least a few options:

  1. update our hook method so all instrumentations automatically get esm support
  2. expose a second hook method with experimental esm support that instrumentations can opt in to.
  3. update our hook method to support esm only when experimental esm support is enabled somehow such as a config or env variable.
  4. others?

Supporting ESM is going to be a moving target for a year or so. I recommend to follow up on this and inform the loaders team of any blockers: nodejs/loaders.

That's roughly what @Flarna said earlier. There are still some quite severe restrictions on esm loaders. In a quick scan of the documentation I can't see if the restrictions @Flarna mentioned like only allowing a single loader have been lifted.

(The API for loaders is going to change soon)

When the API changes I assume IITM will be broken. The question becomes, in what way is it broken? If it simply fails to load ESM modules then it's not that big of a risk. If it causes a process crash, that is a huge risk

edit: it looks like chaining is "in progress" according to the loaders team

weyert commented 3 years ago

My understanding is that diagnostic_channel would be the right way to approach this but then you still have the chicken-egg problem as the package needs to instrument

mcollina commented 3 years ago

My understanding is that diagnostic_channel would be the right way to approach this but then you still have the chicken-egg problem as the package needs to instrument

I have recently added this to both fastify and undici.

vmarchaud commented 3 years ago

My understanding is that diagnostic_channel would be the right way to approach this but then you still have the chicken-egg problem as the package needs to instrument

Don't think so, diagnostic_channel is useful for some instrumentations (ones that only create span like for databases) but as soon as we need to propagate context (across process boundary) its not sufficient.

mcollina commented 3 years ago

this is not strictly true. In Fastify we only publish when we create a new server - mainly for folks to instrument in their own way.

weyert commented 3 years ago

I am wondering what's easier to convince package maintainers to instrument with diagnostic_channel or @opentelemetry/api. Personally, would prefer the latter :D

dyladan commented 3 years ago

There's no real reason a package maintainer couldn't support both

astorm commented 3 years ago

Thanks all for reviving this old issue, the original poster (me) appreciates it. It seems like there's a great opportunity here for collaboration between APM vendor engineers (via OpenTelemetry) and the node core engineers who've noticed that APM vendors aren't always as involved as they'd like :)

@mcollina it sounds like @dyladan's main concern is about the stability of the current loader hooks implementation and what happens when it's next revved.

When the API changes I assume IITM will be broken. The question becomes, in what way is it broken? If it simply fails to load ESM modules then it's not that big of a risk. If it causes a process crash, that is a huge risk

@mcollina as the (possibly reluctant) thread participant with node core project ties, would the node core team be able to suggest something that would alleviate this concern? Basically "how can we use the current loader(s) API (either through import-in-the-middle or some other way) and be sure that an upgraded node wouldn't crash the application. I don't think the experimental label is a problem (makes long eye contact with the experimental async_hooks module that most APM vendors including oTel rely on), but being able to know loader hooks has the sort of API stability that institutional APM customers are looking for is important. @mcollina if you're not the person who can help with this could you suggest someone who is?

@bengl hello! Looping you in to this discussion re: import-in-the-middle and loader hooks. If you have the time/attention (no worries if not), do you have any thoughts on the above, and what sort of contract you're providing with import-in-the-middle? Put another way, will import-in-the-middle blow up when the loader hooks API is next revved, or have you taken steps to make sure it won't?

Flarna commented 3 years ago

Regarding loaders: There is a complete rework ongoing and it will take a while. First step already landed on master and I assume it will break import-in-the-middle. There is a dedicated loaders team in node core working on this (see I would not expect that loaders get out of experimental that soon.

Please note also that these loaders is a pure Node.js thing and not applicable/present in e.g. browsers.

Regarding diagnostics channel vs OTel: Diagnostics channel is by far more generic as it allows more consumers and it doesn't specify what consumers should do with the data. OTel on the other hand has a well specified export chain. Note also the Diagnostics Chanel is still marked as experimental and only available in recent nodejs versions (14.17.0 and 16) - it's not available on e.g. browsers.

bengl commented 3 years ago


When the API changes I assume IITM will be broken. The question becomes, in what way is it broken?

Modules will fail to load and apps will likely crash. This will be fixed very soon. See below.


Put another way, will import-in-the-middle blow up when the loader hooks API is next revved, or have you taken steps to make sure it won't?

The change currently on Node.js master replaces a few hooks with a single one. We'll make that change (very soon) in import-in-the-middle supporting both the old hooks and the new one. Our plan is to remain up-to-date with whatever's happening in Node.js core, supporting as far back as we can. We'll take any new changes into account, including upcoming loader composability. If needed, we'll switch based on Node.js version, but for now I think we'll fine just exporting all the old and new hooks.

If folks want to help out in future-proofing IITM, PRs are most certainly welcome. 😄


I am wondering what's easier to convince package maintainers to instrument with diagnostic_channel or @opentelemetry/api. Personally, would prefer the latter :D

I would say the former. There are already examples of it in fastify and undici, and hopefully many more in the future. Like others have said, this enables OT and APM vendors, and other kinds of observability tools too, eg. security. The good news for opentelemetry is that it should be straightforward to use library-provided diagnostics_channel events where available without monkey-patching and heavy-handed tools like RITM/IITM.

We're in the early stages of using diagnostics_channel to underly all of our instrumentation in dd-trace-js, hoping to push more of the pattern to the libraries we're instrumenting wherever/whenever possible.

mcollina commented 3 years ago

Thanks all for reviving this old issue, the original poster (me) appreciates it. It seems like there's a great opportunity here for collaboration between APM vendor engineers (via OpenTelemetry) and the node core engineers who've noticed that APM vendors aren't always as involved as they'd like :)

It would be amazing to have more APM vendors involved in implementing and maintaining Node.js instrumentation.

@mcollina it sounds like @dyladan's main concern is about the stability of the current loader hooks implementation and what happens when it's next revved.

Unfortunately it's going to be a moving target and there is nothing we can do about it. Part of the instability is also due to certain corner-cases that needs to clarified/specified by TC39.

Given Node.js release cadence, changes will not be weekly but rather monthly/quarterly. I recommend somebody from OpenTelemetry to join the loaders team.

@mcollina as the (possibly reluctant) thread participant with node core project ties, would the node core team be able to suggest something that would alleviate this concern?

I think the best approach would be for a company to allocate somebody's time to keep everything up to date and even do part of the work.

Basically "how can we use the current loader(s) API (either through import-in-the-middle or some other way) and be sure that an upgraded node wouldn't crash the application. I don't think the experimental label is a problem (makes long eye contact with the experimental async_hooks module that most APM vendors including oTel rely on), but being able to know loader hooks has the sort of API stability that institutional APM customers are looking for is important. @mcollina if you're not the person who can help with this could you suggest someone who is?

I'm not the most informed person on the Loaders work as it is a spec and detail heavy project with lot of complexity (I'm more of a distributed system engineer).

Anyhow, I would expect Loaders go into a place similar to async_hooks, experimental but mostly stable and reliable in LTS versions.

astorm commented 3 years ago

@dyladan it sounds like @bengl, the maintainer of import-in-the-middle, is committed to being on top of stopping and fixing crashers if/when the loaders API is revved. This seems (from my naive point of view) enough to make import-in-the-middle no more risky than the other third party dependencies used by the open telemetry project. Is this enough for you to be comfortable using it? If not what would you need to hear in order to be comfortable moving forward with import-in-the-middle?

astorm commented 3 years ago

I'm not the most informed person on the Loaders work as it is a spec and detail heavy project with lot of complexity (I'm more of a distributed system engineer).

Ah, I see, my apologies @mcollina for pulling you into an area you don't work in.

astorm commented 3 years ago

@mhdawson @GeoffreyBooth :wave: pulling you in because you seem (per: to be the Node.js loaders team/group. If that's not the case A. My apologies and B. if you know better people for these sorts of questions please let us know.

Can either of you recommend a safe way to adopt the current loaders APIs? We're basically looking for a way that we can adopt them now, but not have a process crash when they're next revved?

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@astorm I am not currently working on the loaders api it self but i am familar with the NodeJS API Release cycles and processes. Experimental has nothing to do with crashing it is a message and flag that indicates that the API should exist while we do not fully know how it will look like.

So Expermientel Means in general that you can adopt it save but you need to commit to the fact that you need to do additional changes fast without prev deprecation or notification.

As long as you track the loader api page with every nodejs version release and as long as you only want to maintain and use it in the latest nodejs version and the current nodejs version. It will feel like a Stable Api with the only fact that it changes MAYBE more fequently.

If you plan to support it from now till forever and want to keep it backward compatible to the current nodejs version of today 14.17.6 you will need to maintain your own compatibility matrix and functions to keep 14.17.6 supported when nodejs 16 is current.

GeoffreyBooth commented 3 years ago

Can either of you recommend a safe way to adopt the current loaders APIs? We’re basically looking for a way that we can adopt them now, but not have a process crash when they’re next revved?

Basically, no. What @frank-dspeed said.

The whole point of experimental APIs is that they are subject to breaking change at any time. The loaders API in particular is changing more than most experimental APIs, hence its docs have six separate warnings along the lines of “Note: This API is currently being redesigned and will still change” and “Note: The loaders API is being redesigned. This hook may disappear or its signature may change. Do not rely on the API described below.” Caveat emptor.

You could publish separate loaders for every loader-supporting Node version and instruct your users to use them accordingly, for example like node --experimental-loader "node_modules/import-in-the-middle/loader-$(node --version).js" app.js. I’m sure there are other, better ways.

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

When you want to maintain loader api changes without linking directly to the nodejs version and without detecting the version.

future detection would be a better way to maintain api changes. You only need to maintain a set of api calls and expected results

then you can conditional if else load the right working implementation.

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

Oh by the way i am voting total against usage of nodejs only features like loader hooks there are far more performant ways to run js without NodeJS you should implement what ever you plan to implement in userland

vmarchaud commented 3 years ago

Oh by the way i am voting total against usage of nodejs only features like loader hooks there are far more performant ways to run js without NodeJS you should implement what ever you plan to implement in userland

I'm not sure to understand what you meant here ? Is that an advice to not use loader hooks API from node because there are other platforms (ex deno) ?

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@vmarchaud your correct but i did not mean deno in special GraalJS for example or node-graal and also the other stuff like just-js there are tons of engines out there.

The most big case that already has Partial opentelemetry support is for example the GraalVM Stack from Oracle that uses opentelemetry via the Quarkus Project and also has a js Engine Called GraalJS which is 100% ES2021 Compatible at this point in time.

es4x (vertx) also offers a NodeJS Compatible GraalJS Deployment and offers opentelemetry support via vertx-opentelemetry

Anyway we do not need to go to deep into details NodeJS is simply not the biggest JS Engine that is in Production at big companys. GraalJS (Nashhorn), JustJS/Cef (Cloudflare Workers) are also big Topics

To make the Story short When we design ESModules without Platform Dependencies we can get it running anywhere. When we instrument the Interface of a Single Engine Implementation we target not a big Userbase.

vmarchaud commented 3 years ago

To make the Story short When we design ESModules without Platform Dependencies we can get it running anywhere

We already have platform specific code (between node / browser) for instrumentations so we will most likely need to keep doing this since i don't think there is a platform agnostic way to hook to import.

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@vmarchaud or there is one a wrapper is such a hook

const importHook = (specifier) => import(specifier);

Now you will maybe say ok but that means rewriting code and that is also not fully true here some major design aspects of ECMAScript kick in. JS is Transported as text so it can get patched before execution or init via simply String Manipulation.

I am working on a lot of custom loader and transpiler stuff i can imagin ways to create tooling around that. While it should never be needed can you for example create a real use case for in the middle import then we could discusse better ways to get that done.

A userland Implementation can be done via rollup for example it runs on all environments and is a environment agnostic loader and resolver it also instruments acorn a JS Parser written in JS which can do the patching of the modules.

also npm module "esm" is a userland implementation of a esm loader. Running inside a CJS context.

vmarchaud commented 3 years ago

I don't think rewriting code on the fly is easier than using native API. I'm not against it but to my knowledge there no existing tooling to do this easily and cross platform.

mcollina commented 3 years ago

I don't think rewriting code on the fly is easier than using native API. I'm not against it but to my knowledge there no existing tooling to do this easily and cross platform.

It's not possible to rewrite code at runtime using ESM on V8-based platforms. The loader hooks are necessary because they can be run before the module is actually loaded. Once loaded, it's cached forever.

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@mcollina your partial right but we got for example support for

the pattern is relativ easy we fetch the .js we parse it with acorn (rollup) we fetch the dependencies and so on it is relativ straight forward we can pull that of in less then 2 weeks i could write a set of steps to get it done.

import 'data:text/javascript,console.log("hello!");';
import _ from 'data:application/json,"world!"';

fetch('url').then( jsScriptText => import(`data:text/javascript,${jsScriptText};`))

// With rollup we get the full tree in a single step and can then execute.
mcollina commented 3 years ago

My recommendation as a user of this library is to use Loaders, not transpiling/editing all the dependency tree.

mhdawson commented 3 years ago

It's fair to say that it's ultimately up to Node's core team to provide a replacement for this lost functionality -- but it's equally fair to say that Node's core can't do this alone. They need both feedback and direct help from APM/Observability vendors. It seems like OpenTelemetry/CNCF are ideally situated to be a conduit for this.

I'd like to make sure we make the right connections and foster collaboration on this. @GeoffreyBooth do you think the loaders team is the right place for this collaboration?

GeoffreyBooth commented 3 years ago

@GeoffreyBooth do you think the loaders team is the right place for this collaboration?

Yes, for instrumenting apps in general and naive packages that don't offer instrumentation features. I think there's a diagnostics group that's better for discussing instrumentation for packages that want to use those APIs, but loaders will probably still be involved for getting such packages privileged placement when running apps.

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@mhdawson your invited to join CNCF as also Node and close the gap you simply start of with a proposal a NodeJS member will help you with your first steps.

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@GeoffreyBooth shouldn't the devtools protocol already provide all that needed apis ? I am from the Chromium Team and we use that for all kind of APM stuff and telemetry. As far as i know NodeJS makes no diffrence there the only part that we can not examin there inside nodejs is the C usage.

Flarna commented 3 years ago

@frank-dspeed The instrumentations here mainly wrap functions. I don't think this is available via devtools protocol. e.g. consider the fs module which a"file", cb) API. The instrumentation intercepts require("fs") and replaces the read export by a wrapped function. Once this wrapped is called is starts a span, wraps the cb with a closure referring to this span and calls the original"file", wrappedCb. Once done wrappedCb is invoked, the span is ended and the original cb is called.

I don't think something like this can be done via dev-tools (maybe by enabling the debugger but that has performance impact).

With ESM there is no way (besides loaders) to intercept import('fs') as loading modules and wiring imports/exports has fundamentally change and is now a two step part and it's no longer userland it's within the v8 JS engine.

What is available via devtools is cool stuff like CPU, memory profiling but that is a different APM topic not yet covered by OTel.

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

You could publish separate loaders for every loader-supporting Node version and instruct your users to use them accordingly, for example like node --experimental-loader "node_modules/import-in-the-middle/loader-$(node --version).js" app.js. I’m sure there are other, better ways.

Is this essentially where this discussion landed, or is there a better proposed solution being tracked elsewhere?

frank-dspeed commented 3 years ago

@lizthegrey you are correct you got 3 options

  1. loaders with version matrix (your proposed solution)
  2. loaders with feature detection (less maintainance update effort)
  3. user land code openTelemetryImport() (Only Cross Platform Solution that works in all JS Environments) 3.1 bundler utils for injecting transpiling compiling (turns import into openTelemetryImport()) 3.2 custom loader that wrapps code (turns import into openTelemetryImport())
astorm commented 3 years ago

Is this essentially where this discussion landed, or is there a better proposed solution being tracked elsewhere?

@lizthegrey speaking as the original poster (and someone who's only tangentially involved in both the OpenTelemetry project and Node.js core project, but who watches both) it seems like this issue has landed on a stalemate.

The folks from Node.js core don't have a stable API for the module loader hooks, and the node --experimental-loader "node_modules/import-in-the-middle/loader-$(node --version).js" app.js solution is just a proposed solution that they haven't committed to implementing (and I don't think they have humans working on this right now)

The OpenTelemetry maintainers appear to consider this too large a risk to proceed. (I'm basing this on If it simply fails to load ESM modules then it's not that big of a risk. If it causes a process crash, that is a huge risk)

Both sides seem to waiting for the other to do something.

My apologies if this ruffles some feathers but I do think the concerns about breaking changes in the OpenTelemetry project are a little over stated. I understand it philosophically and politically, but there are wide swaths of the OpenTelemetry JS implementation that also can't guarantee no breaking changes (I'm looking at you instrumentations) and are still considered experimental. Given how important intercepting the loading of module is to Node.js based APM/Observability solutions, it seems like a tradeoff that's worth the risks.

Given that importing CommonJS modules (i.e. require based loading) is currently implemented in OpenTelemetry using a third party package (require-in-the-middle) -- if I was a project maintainer I'd say just use import-in-the-middle as a dependency in this project, adopt some defensive programming techniques that make a best effort at determining if the module loader API is the one we expect, and label it as experimental (like you have with instrumentation and other "not API or SDK but important" code). While the folks who've built and maintain the import-in-the-middle module can't commit to no breaking changes they have committed to fixing those breaking changes quickly. Beyond that commitment, given import-in-the-middle is in use in a commercial APM/Observability vendor's solution, it seems like commercial pressure would also help those changes get fixed rapidly.

The alternative is no support for import statements which, as @lizthegrey found out, can create very unexpected/undesirable behavior when folks attempt to adopt OpenTelemetry.

lizthegrey commented 3 years ago

The folks from Node.js core don't have a stable API for the module loader hooks, and the node --experimental-loader "node_modules/import-in-the-middle/loader-$(node --version).js" app.js solution is just a proposed solution that they haven't committed to implementing (and I don't think they have humans working on this right now)

The OpenTelemetry maintainers appear to consider this too large a risk to proceed. (I'm basing this on If it simply fails to load ESM modules then it's not that big of a risk. If it causes a process crash, that is a huge risk)

Both sides seem to waiting for the other to do something.

as a user, I am 100% okay with specifying the right versioned import-in-the-middle loader, and I am okay with a solution where if this is incorrect or fails, then my expectation would be that the imports should proceed but just not get intercepted/modified. (or an immediate crash on startup because of the --experimental-loader flag would be fine too)