open-telemetry / opentelemetry-lambda

Create your own Lambda Layer in each OTel language using this starter code. Add the Lambda Layer to your Lamdba Function to get tracing with OpenTelemetry.
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New Python lambda layers do not capture any data #769

Closed pranavmarla closed 1 week ago

pranavmarla commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I have instrumented a simple Python lambda function with the new OTEL collector lambda layer and the new Python instrumentation layer. The collector is configured to export the metrics and traces to the lambda logs (via the logging exporter) as well as an external backend (via the otlphttp exporter).

Unfortunately, I do not see any metrics or trace data in either the lambda logs or the external backend. If I replace the new OTEL lambda layers with the old Amazon ADOT lambda layer, I am able to see traces in the lambda logs and both metrics and traces in the external backend. This suggests that the issue is with the new lambda layers.

Steps to reproduce Create a (Python 3.9, x86_64) lambda with the following files:

def lambda_handler(event, context):

with urlopen('') as response:
    response_bytes =
    response_dict = json.loads(response_bytes)

return response_dict
- collector.yaml: Contains the OTEL collector config

receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: 'localhost:4317' http: endpoint: 'localhost:4318'

exporters: logging: verbosity: detailed otlphttp/metrics: endpoint: 'xxx' tls: insecure: false insecure_skip_verify: true otlphttp/traces: endpoint: 'xxx' tls: insecure: false insecure_skip_verify: true

service: pipelines: metrics: receivers: [otlp] exporters: [logging, otlphttp/metrics] traces: receivers: [otlp] exporters: [logging, otlphttp/traces] telemetry: metrics: address: localhost:8888

Add the following env variable:
- `OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_CONFIG_FILE`: `/var/task/collector.yaml`

Add the following new OTEL lambda layers:
- `arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:184161586896:layer:opentelemetry-collector-amd64-0_1_0:1`
- `arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:184161586896:layer:opentelemetry-python-0_1_0:1`

Increase lambda timeout past the default 3 sec (I increased to `9` sec as per [this]( AWS blog post).

**What did you expect to see?**
- Metrics and traces in the lambda logs (i.e. in the CloudWatch log group corresponding to that lambda)
- Metrics and traces in the external backend

**What did you see instead?**
- No metrics or traces in the lambda logs
- No metrics or traces in the external backend

**What version of collector/language SDK version did you use?**
- opentelemetry-collector [`v0.76.1`](
- opentelemetry-collector-contrib [`v0.76.3`](
- opentelemetry-python [`1.18.0/0.39b0`](

**What language layer did you use?**

**Additional context**
With the new OTEL lambda layers, these are the lambda logs I get -- as noted, they do not contain any metrics or traces. Also, the external backend (not shown) does not contain any metrics or traces:

INIT_START Runtime Version: python:3.9.v23 Runtime Version ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:xxx { "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.8501613, "msg": "Launching OpenTelemetry Lambda extension", "version": "v0.76.0" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.8537326, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Listener", "msg": "Listening for requests", "address": "sandbox:53612" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.8551075, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Client", "msg": "Subscribing", "baseURL": "" }

TELEMETRY Name: collector State: Subscribed Types: [Platform] { "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.8576913, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Client", "msg": "Subscription success", "response": "\"OK\"" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.857857, "logger": "NewCollector", "msg": "Using config URI from environment", "uri": "/var/task/collector.yaml" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.8700795, "caller": "service/telemetry.go:92", "msg": "Setting up own telemetry..." }

{ "level": "Basic", "ts": 1687530337.8705246, "caller": "service/telemetry.go:149", "msg": "Serving Prometheus metrics", "address": "localhost:8888" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.8706422, "caller": "exporter@v0.76.1/exporter.go:286", "msg": "Development component. May change in the future.", "kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.9061983, "caller": "exporter@v0.76.1/exporter.go:286", "msg": "Development component. May change in the future.", "kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.9088805, "caller": "service/service.go:129", "msg": "Starting otelcol-lambda...", "Version": "v0.76.0", "NumCPU": 2 }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.9090724, "caller": "extensions/extensions.go:41", "msg": "Starting extensions..." }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.9092343, "caller": "otlpreceiver@v0.76.1/otlp.go:94", "msg": "Starting GRPC server", "kind": "receiver", "name": "otlp", "data_type": "metrics", "endpoint": "localhost:4317" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.909417, "caller": "otlpreceiver@v0.76.1/otlp.go:112", "msg": "Starting HTTP server", "kind": "receiver", "name": "otlp", "data_type": "metrics", "endpoint": "localhost:4318" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530337.9095626, "caller": "service/service.go:146", "msg": "Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data." }

EXTENSION Name: collector State: Ready Events: [INVOKE, SHUTDOWN] START RequestId: 829cd60c-8b84-4c46-a327-eda7c5e26da1 Version: $LATEST END RequestId: 829cd60c-8b84-4c46-a327-eda7c5e26da1 REPORT RequestId: 829cd60c-8b84-4c46-a327-eda7c5e26da1 Duration: 305.42 ms Billed Duration: 306 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 82 MB Init Duration: 377.18 ms
{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3654792, "logger": "lifecycle.manager", "msg": "Received SHUTDOWN event" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3656828, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Listener", "msg": "HTTP Server closed:", "error": "http: Server closed" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3658288, "caller": "otelcol/collector.go:246", "msg": "Received shutdown request" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3849585, "caller": "service/service.go:155", "msg": "Starting shutdown..." }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3853285, "caller": "extensions/extensions.go:55", "msg": "Stopping extensions..." }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3853457, "caller": "service/service.go:169", "msg": "Shutdown complete." }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687530686.3854933, "msg": "done" }

Instead, if you replace the two OTEL lambda layers with the following ADOT lambda layer:
and add the following env variable:
`AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER`: `/opt/otel-instrument`

Then I see traces in the lambda logs, and both metrics and traces in the external backend (not shown here):

INIT_START Runtime Version: python:3.9.v23 Runtime Version ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:xxx { "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4487019, "msg": "Launching OpenTelemetry Lambda extension", "version": "v0.28.0" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4531193, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Listener", "msg": "Listening for requests", "address": "sandbox:53612" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4532046, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Client", "msg": "Subscribing", "baseURL": "" }

TELEMETRY Name: collector State: Subscribed Types: [Platform] { "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4559968, "logger": "telemetryAPI.Client", "msg": "Subscription success", "response": "\"OK\"" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4560287, "logger": "NewCollector", "msg": "Using config URI from environment", "uri": "/var/task/collector.yaml" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4672554, "caller": "service/telemetry.go:90", "msg": "Setting up own telemetry..." }

{ "level": "Basic", "ts": 1687533950.4681895, "caller": "service/telemetry.go:116", "msg": "Serving Prometheus metrics", "address": "localhost:8888" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4682777, "caller": "exporter@v0.75.0/exporter.go:286", "msg": "Development component. May change in the future.", "kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.472519, "caller": "exporter@v0.75.0/exporter.go:286", "msg": "Development component. May change in the future.", "kind": "exporter", "data_type": "metrics", "name": "logging" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4890018, "caller": "service/service.go:129", "msg": "Starting aws-otel-lambda...", "Version": "v0.28.0", "NumCPU": 2 }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4892137, "caller": "extensions/extensions.go:41", "msg": "Starting extensions..." }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.490859, "caller": "otlpreceiver@v0.75.0/otlp.go:94", "msg": "Starting GRPC server", "kind": "receiver", "name": "otlp", "data_type": "metrics", "endpoint": "localhost:4317" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.4911032, "caller": "otlpreceiver@v0.75.0/otlp.go:112", "msg": "Starting HTTP server", "kind": "receiver", "name": "otlp", "data_type": "metrics", "endpoint": "localhost:4318" }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533950.491234, "caller": "service/service.go:146", "msg": "Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data." }

EXTENSION Name: collector State: Ready Events: [INVOKE, SHUTDOWN] START RequestId: 9ac3d6a3-b727-4486-9f06-b05d65fecf7d Version: $LATEST { "level": "info", "ts": 1687533951.8895519, "msg": "TracesExporter", "kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging", "#spans": 1 }

{ "level": "info", "ts": 1687533951.8896523, "msg": "ResourceSpans #0\nResource SchemaURL: \nResource attributes:\n -> telemetry.sdk.language: Str(python)\n -> Str(opentelemetry)\n -> telemetry.sdk.version: Str(1.17.0)\n -> cloud.region: Str(us-east-1)\n -> cloud.provider: Str(aws)\n -> Str(xxx)\n -> faas.version: Str($LATEST)\n -> faas.instance: Str(2023/06/23/[$LATEST]xxx)\n -> Str(xxx)\n -> Str(0.38b0)\nScopeSpans #0\nScopeSpans SchemaURL: \nInstrumentationScope opentelemetry.instrumentation.aws_lambda 0.38b0\nSpan #0\n Trace ID : 9448308f423c682768407c60d64be8e9\n Parent ID : \n ID : 15bb2fda670ac79b\n Name : lambda_function.lambda_handler\n Kind : Server\n Start time : 2023-06-23 15:25:51.473425744 +0000 UTC\n End time : 2023-06-23 15:25:51.827264627 +0000 UTC\n Status code : Unset\n Status message : \nAttributes:\n -> Str(arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:xxx:function:xxx)\n -> faas.execution: Str(9ac3d6a3-b727-4486-9f06-b05d65fecf7d)\n", "kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging" }

END RequestId: 9ac3d6a3-b727-4486-9f06-b05d65fecf7d REPORT RequestId: 9ac3d6a3-b727-4486-9f06-b05d65fecf7d Duration: 615.12 ms Billed Duration: 616 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 110 MB Init Duration: 1249.72 ms

shuwpan commented 1 year ago

It works for me, did you follow the instruction here ? You still need to set AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER=/opt/otel-instrument

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

This issue was marked stale. It will be closed in 30 days without additional activity.

serkan-ozal commented 1 week ago

@tylerbenson I believe we can close this issue. Because as @shuwpan mentioned, even with OTEL layer, AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER env var needs to be set to /opt/otel-instrument