open-telemetry / opentelemetry-php

The OpenTelemetry PHP Library
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OpenTelemetry Specification 1.34.0 Release - Common - Rename "Experimental" to "Development" according to OTEP 0232 #1332

Open bobstrecansky opened 2 weeks ago

bobstrecansky commented 2 weeks ago

Rename "Experimental" to "Development" according to OTEP 0232. We need to follow the following specification change: Rename "Experimental" to "Development" according to OTEP 0232.

brettmc commented 2 weeks ago

We have a few @experimental tags in our codebase (in the metrics signal) which we could consider changing to @development. Personally, I don't think it's obvious what @development means as a phpdoc tag, so maybe we just do nothing here? To discuss at SIG...