open-telemetry / opentelemetry-proto

OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) specification and Protobuf definitions
Apache License 2.0
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Retryable HTTP Statuses should be configurable #531

Closed haus closed 4 months ago

haus commented 4 months ago

The OTLP spec lists 502, 503 and 504 as the only retryable 50x status codes. However some servers (and some CDNs) return a 500, even though it isn't the most appropriate status code, as a generic "something went wrong serving that request". For cases where the remote server may return a 500 for retryable conditions, it would be useful if the retryable http statuses could be extended or configured to include it.

tigrannajaryan commented 4 months ago

I don't know if we want to do anything in the protocol specification about it. Implementations of OTLP client can decide how to deal with non-compliant servers. I suggest posting this as an enhancement request to the particular OTLP client implementation. If this behavior is universally needed it may be worth considering to add it as a configuration option of OTLP exporter in the spec repo.

haus commented 4 months ago

Sounds good. Since I think this applies generally to the server side it seems like it might be worth considering universally.

arminru commented 4 months ago

For reference: continued in