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Setting and service.version - recommended way to do it across languages? #1325

Open cartermp opened 2 years ago

cartermp commented 2 years ago

As we know, is a required resource attribute and service.version is a "this is not required but you should really set this damn thing" resource attribute too.

The two major ways to set these are in code or environment variables. Each has a drawback though:

In Honeycomb docs, we've opted for the environment variable route:

The rationale is that it's better to be correct (and frankly follow some best practices)

Should this also be done for all docs here?

MikeGoldsmith commented 2 years ago

An addition to option 1) would be to ensure SDKs that manually set also set the corresponding environment variables so auto instrumentation picks them up. This would likely be an spec and subsequent SDK change.

cartermp commented 2 months ago

Here's where we're at for setting service names for getting started:

Language Sets service name? Using Env Var so it works with agents (if/should they exist)
C++ no no
.NET yes yes
Erlang/Elixir no no
Go yes no
Java no no
JavaScript no no
PHP no no
Python yes yes
Ruby yes no
Rust no no
Swift no no
svrnm commented 2 months ago

+1 for this, we can turn this into a meta issue once again and tackle languages 1-by-1