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Lambda Collector Configuration #4574

Open DockerIsBAd opened 1 month ago

DockerIsBAd commented 1 month ago

It is unclear throughout the documentation about what types of exporters are supported. Are they the same as a normal dockerized collector? Because all you mention is 'Without an environment variable being set for your exporters the default configuration only supports emitting data using the debug exporter.' Well I am using sentry as exporter and when testing my lambda I get the error of:

failed to get config: cannot unmarshal the configuration: 1 error(s) decoding:\n\n error decoding 'exporters': unknown type: \"sentry\" for id: \"sentry\" (valid values: [prometheusremotewrite logging otlp otlphttp]); Post \"\": net/http: invalid header field value for \"Lambda-Extension-Function-Error-Type\"", "errorCauses": [ { "error": "failed to get config: cannot unmarshal the configuration: 1 error(s) decoding:\n\n error decoding 'exporters': unknown type: \"sentry\" for id: \"sentry\" (valid values: [prometheusremotewrite logging otlp otlphttp])" }, { "error": "Post \"\": net/http: invalid header field value for \"Lambda-Extension-Function-Error-Type\"" } ] }

So the error message and the documentation seem to contradict themselves.

theletterf commented 1 month ago

@open-telemetry/lambda-extension-approvers WDYT?

DockerIsBAd commented 1 month ago

To clarify - This is about a Lambda collector layer I attempted to set-up.

svrnm commented 1 month ago

hey @DockerIsBAd if you are registered with CNCF slack (via, you can join #otel-faas and ask the experts there.

tylerbenson commented 3 weeks ago

I assume the problem is that sentry isn't supported by the collector lambda layer. Perhaps you could seek support from Sentry on how to handle this scenario?