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[CI] Repeated PRs by registry auto-update script can cause problems #5123

Open chalin opened 2 weeks ago

chalin commented 2 weeks ago

For context see

In summary,

The auto-update script issues a new PR:

Unbeknownst to Phil, he ran a fix command, and got a green light from GH to merge, so he merged; but that broken link checking. I've followed up with

but I'm opening this issue / discussion to explore if there is a way to "pause" the registry auto-update to avoid a similar problem? If there is a (relatively easy) way, then the question is: do we want to use such a pause feature. Note that the OTel package version update script will not reissue a new PR. I know that the situation is different here, but if we could have a similar behavior: don't issue a new registry auto-update PR if there is one that is already open?

svrnm commented 1 week ago

Dependabot and Renovate do it in a way that they check for existing PRs and update them accordingly (or close them and open new ones). I did it the way it is right now, because it was just "the easy solution". Let me see if and how this can be improved