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Collector Quick Start: setup collector in container & non container environment #5538

Open naveenkoch opened 3 weeks ago

naveenkoch commented 3 weeks ago

Suggested improvements for page: it's actually confusing, to go multiple pages, and there is no link between the pages.

Ideally I would expect like setup collector in container application, in a single page setup collector in non container application, in a single page rather moving to different pages

svrnm commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your feedback, @naveenkoch! We had that experience in the past where we had one page (which is now as "getting started" but people found that hard to consume as a getting started as well. So we need to strike some balance here.

[...] and there is no link between the pages.

At the bottom of the page there is a link sending you to "explore different ways to install the collector" or would you have expected that more towards the top?

Ideally I would expect like setup collector in container application, in a single page setup collector in non container application, in a single page rather moving to different pages

This might be possible, especially since we right now mix collector in the container with telemetrygen being build locally.

@open-telemetry/collector-approvers WDYT?