FeatureProfiles has already been enhanced to support static binding in order to run OTG tests (earlier only ATE tests were supported).
OTG tests will now run without issues against both Ixia-C S/W ports and Ixia-C H/W ports
The PR is still under review by a team at Google
From test execution POV, The OTG and DUT endpoint addresses need to be specified in static binding file (no change here).
From deployment POV,
ixia-c-operator will need to be deployed on host node, mapped to docker socket
ixia-c controller and port containers shall be deployed using docker API on same host based on a declarative YAML
the YAML will need to be pushed using curl. e.g. curl -k -X POST https://localhost:6443/ -d @deploy.yaml
the YAML would specify list of port containers to deploy - i.e. each item consisting of the name of interfaces inside port container and name of corresponding real interface on host it’ll bind to (real interface shall be connected to DUT H/W ports)
ixia-c-operator will automate network plumbing (e.g. use MacVLAN to bind port container interface to and host interface)
Deployment is limited to single node and KNE is not needed.
Here’s the summary: