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Message.sender and information missing on onAnyMessage messages #2335

Closed gnadelwartz closed 2 years ago

gnadelwartz commented 2 years ago

Since today onAnyMessage does not provide and message.sender Information. onMEssage is working. I tested with current version and some older version e.g. 4.23.18

✓ Existing session data injected
✓ Browser Launched
│       (index)       │                                                                    Values                                                                    │
│     WA_VERSION      │                                                                  '2.2146.9'                                                                  │
│       PAGE_UA       │ 'WhatsApp/2.2144.11 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_2_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36' │
│ WA_AUTOMATE_VERSION │                                                                   '4.25.0'                                                                   │
│   BROWSER_VERSION   │                                                         'HeadlessChrome/88.0.4298.0'                                                         │
│         OS          │                                                                 'Linux 5.3'                                                                  │
│      START_TS       │                                                                1638696401204                                                                 │
✓ Use this easy pre-filled link to report an issue:,%0A%20%20%22WA_AUTOMATE_VERSION%22:%20%224.25.0%22,%0A%20%20%22BROWSER_VERSION%22:%20%22HeadlessChrome/88.0.4298.0%22,%0A%20%20%22START_TS%22:%201638696401204%0A%7D&environment=-%20OS:%20Linux%205.3%0A-%20Node:%2014.17.5%0A-%20npm:%20%0A
✓ Authenticated
✓ WAPI Reinjected
✓ Client is ready
✓ Downloaded patches in 0.194s
✓ Patches Installed: 38414
✓ Client loaded for normal account with 916 contacts, 14 chats & 174 messages in 17.404s
✓ 🚀 @OPEN-WA ready for account: 1477
5.12.2021, 10:26:58 =========== deal processing started ============
5.12.2021, 10:26:58 =========== new message =================
5.12.2021, 10:26:58 ####### Message from me ...
  id: 'true_4915905861477-1579623293@g.us_3EB06762B0F298F8176E',
  fromMe: true,
  sender: null,
  timestamp: 1638696418,
  content: 'WhatsApp Bot neu gestartet',
  type: 'chat',
  chat: null
  quotedMsgObj: null,
  quotedMsg: null,
  mediaData: {},
  text: '',
  body: 'WhatsApp Bot neu gestartet',
  labels: []

Sorry, but you super duper bug template does not allow me to send even I fillled all fields, so I provide the issue in text onyl (and with less context as I don't want to redo all the steps)

smashah commented 2 years ago

this should be fixed thanks

gnadelwartz commented 2 years ago

Yes, seems to be fixed. I guess with patches as no updated version.