Closed DaruinHerrera closed 2 years ago
Multi-device and I have set multiDevice to true in my config OR am using the --multi-device flag
Personal account (normal)
My own code
Retrieve all the messages of a chatId, among these there are audios, I would like to know how these audios can be played
message retrieval
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- OS: windows - Node: v16.15.1 - npm: 8.11.0
No response
@DaruinHerrera you can decrypt these files.
This is not an issue so moving to discussion.
Are you using the latest version of the library?
What type of session are you experiencing this issue on?
Multi-device and I have set multiDevice to true in my config OR am using the --multi-device flag
What type of host account are you experiencing this issue on?
Personal account (normal)
My own code
Current Behavior
Retrieve all the messages of a chatId, among these there are audios, I would like to know how these audios can be played
Expected Behavior
Steps To Reproduce
message retrieval
create() code OR full CLI command + CONFIG
Anything else?
No response