open-wa / wa-automate-nodejs

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BROKEN METHODS: 13857 #852

Closed smashah closed 3 years ago

smashah commented 3 years ago

Broken methods detected. Details below.

data ```javascript { "WA_VERSION": "2.2039.9", "PAGE_UA": "WhatsApp/2.2019.8 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36", "WA_AUTOMATE_VERSION": "1.9.64", "BROWSER_VERSION": "HeadlessChrome/80.0.3987.0", "BROKEN_METHODS": [ "Store.bp" ], "occurances": 21, "lastReported": "Thu Sep 24 2020 14:50:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)" } ```
smashah commented 3 years ago

@github-actions run

âš¡ Release! âš¡ ```js (async () => { function exec(cmd) { console.log(execSync(cmd).toString()); } // Config const gitUserEmail = "github-actions[bot]"; const gitUserName = "github-actions[bot]"; exec(`echo "//$NPM_TOKEN" > .npmrc`); exec(`git config --global "${gitUserEmail}"`); exec(`git config --global "${gitUserName}"`); exec(`npm i`); exec(`npm run release-ci`); //comment on the issue var result = execSync(`npx auto-changelog -o ./tempchangelog.txt --commit-limit false --template ./compact-keepachangelog.hbs --stdout`).toString(); await postComment(result); //create changelog image exec(`npm run release-image`); exec(`git commit -a -m 'updated release-image'`); exec(`git push --force`); })(); ```
smashah commented 3 years ago


🚀 Release 2.0.25 (2020-09-24)

manojsitapara commented 3 years ago

@smashah Is this release available on Python as well?

smashah commented 3 years ago

@manojsitapara python library grabs the wapi file from here so yes it should work as expected

mashdah commented 3 years ago

@smashah when i try node index.js give me this log,

(node:9368) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined at Object. (/home/user/Bot/wabot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-automate/dist/controllers/initializer.js:117:44) .....

any solution ? thanks,

smashah commented 3 years ago

@mashdah please open a new issue

manojsitapara commented 3 years ago

@manojsitapara python library grabs the wapi file from here so yes it should work as expected

Thanks a lot @smashah !!!