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Unable to add participant in existing group #47

Closed manojsitapara closed 3 years ago

manojsitapara commented 3 years ago

I am getting following error while adding participant in existing group

raise JsException( openwa.wapi_js_wrapper.JsException: Error in function addParticipant ([object Object]). Command: return WAPI.pyFunc(()=>WAPI.addParticipant('',''), arguments[0])

here is my code res = g.driver.add_participant_group(idParticipant=group_member_id, idGroup=group_id)

Can anyone please help me?

mrodal commented 3 years ago

Its working fine for me, can you try executing WAPI.addParticipant('','') on the browser's console directly?

manojsitapara commented 3 years ago

I ran the command as you mentioned above, got this error

Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected token: identifier

darkash commented 3 years ago

the first number is a group (?) note that it's instead of

otherwise you can ignore my comment, it's also working fine on my end

manojsitapara commented 3 years ago

ohhh what a silly mistake I did. I was trying to add participant in the group in which I was not admin. I am sorry for the trouble to everyone.