open-wc / custom-elements-manifest

Custom Elements Manifest is a file format that describes custom elements in your project.
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command fails with "Unexpected token '.'" #222

Closed Lord-Leonard closed 9 months ago

Lord-Leonard commented 9 months ago

Description When I run the command the generate the manifest the programm fails, stating the following:

PS C:\..\slottedComponentsTest> custom-elements-manifest analyze
      const modules = userConfig?.overrideModuleCreation

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'

I am a little los here as to why it doesn't work. Is there any configuration I need to do before using the command inside my root direktory?


Expected behavior The command should generate the json file...

thepassle commented 9 months ago

which version of node are you using? It looks like your version of node doesnt support optional chaining

Lord-Leonard commented 9 months ago

ahhhhhh sorry, yeah i should have checked that, I am currently stuck at 12. well what a schame :(

thanks for your time non the less :)

EDIT Works like a charm using Node 18.