open-webui / helm-charts

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feature: designate Ollama as a Helm dependency, drop existing Ollama k8s resource templates #5

Closed robrakaric closed 1 month ago

robrakaric commented 1 month ago

There was already some chatter about this in the discord (development channel) between myself and @0xThresh , but wanted to formalize it as an issue.

Currently, the helm repo houses a template for both open-webui and ollama resources. There is an existing Ollama helm repo and chart that seems to work very well.

This issue proposes to remove the Helm resources for Ollama, and instead add Ollama as a dependency in Chart.yaml (see below example). This way, users can opt to either enable or disable the installation of the depedency, a common pattern in Helm chart usage. With that, all of the values nested under ollama: in values.yaml would be passed to the Ollama chart, which has its own documentation, reducing duplication of effort.

  - name: ollama
    version: ">=0.24.0"
    condition: ollama.enabled

It would entail also adding an additional step in the helm-release.yaml workflow to download the dependency.

I've created a bit of a PoC playground for this here:

This would be a breaking change for existing users of the chart, but I figure it's best to have this discussion early on in the chart development process.

0xThresh commented 1 month ago

I agree with the approach on this so that we can make sure we aren't taking on the responsibility of maintaining separate Helm charts for Ollama when someone is already doing a really good job of that. I'm planning on thoroughly testing your Open WebUI chart out as soon as I can and will report back on what I find.

On an initial quick try I just did, I saw that the ollama.enabled setting worked as expected, but did not try passing any config values to the Ollama chart yet. I'm planning to also test the case of deploying Ollama separately and passing in the ollamaUrl setting to make sure everything works as expected with both use cases. It might be a couple days before I can get everything.

robrakaric commented 1 month ago

Sounds like a plan @0xThresh. I just tested it with GPU and model download support, to see how it'd perform in a real use-case.

This was the values.yaml I used:

 # gets the chart installed
  enabled: true
 # took me awhile to figure out that another ollama key needs to be nested here for some options, like gpu
      enabled: true
      type: 'nvidia'
      number: 1
      - llama3
      - codellama
      - deepseek-coder
  runtimeClassName: nvidia
    enabled: true
    size: 50Gi

  enabled: true
  class: nginx
  host: openweb-ui.lan

Add this to append more Ollama urls:

 - https://urltoanotherollama/
 - https://urltoyetanotherollama/

It works, but I do get a warning:

coalesce.go:286: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for open-webui.ollama.ollama.models (map[])
coalesce.go:286: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for open-webui.ollama.ollama.models (map[])
coalesce.go:286: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for open-webui.ollama.ollama.models (map[])

Maybe it's not happy about the ollama.ollama nested key. I'm not sure. I don't get the error when I deploy the Ollama chart by itself using the same configuration values. Maybe you have some ideas.

stepanbaghdasaryan commented 1 month ago

I think it's a good idea not to reinvent the wheel and instead leverage what already works well and is community-driven. However, I notice that it's not the official Helm Chart from Ollama ( Before proceeding with this breaking change and defining the Ollama Helm Chart as a dependency, I would suggest starting a new discussion to explore the possibility of moving the Helm Chart from to the official Ollama repository and further developing it there with even more community involvement and power.

0xThresh commented 1 month ago

It looks like this is the official Helm chart from Ollama: I found that here: The Artifact Hub entry for Ollama maps to this repo:

Considering that the Ollama repo links to that chart in Artifact Hub, I think it's safe to assume that this is as close to an official Ollama chart as we have, and we should be safe to use it.