Some pipelines use dummy/default valves in the constructor. After a restart of the pipelines server, wrong header information is used until an update of the valves is done via open-webui or the API.
So, after a (re)start of the pipelines server, it is wise to let the pipeline know that the valves might have changed.
This small fix does exactly that: call the on_valves_updated method in the load_modules_from_directory, similar to what is already present in the code after an update of the valves via the /{pipeline_id}/valves/update api.
Some pipelines use dummy/default valves in the constructor. After a restart of the pipelines server, wrong header information is used until an update of the valves is done via open-webui or the API.
So, after a (re)start of the pipelines server, it is wise to let the pipeline know that the valves might have changed. This small fix does exactly that: call the on_valves_updated method in the load_modules_from_directory, similar to what is already present in the code after an update of the valves via the /{pipeline_id}/valves/update api.
Example pipeline (anthropic_manifold_pipeline):