open2c / pairtools

Extract 3D contacts (.pairs) from sequencing alignments
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Pairtools phase - issue with phasing #253

Open ddepierre opened 1 month ago

ddepierre commented 1 month ago

Hi Open2C team,

I'd like to use pairtools phase and I have some issues running it. I'd like to use it in a first time to reanalyse snHiC data from Collombet et al.,2020. following this

1. Test data set: Here are my final phase stats (with the small test, i.e. fastq downloaded with --minSpotId 0 --maxSpotId 1000000):

# cat phased.XA.dedup.stats | head -8
total   1429506
total_unmapped  203628
total_single_sided_mapped   278449
total_mapped    947429
total_dups  60249
total_nodups    887180
cis 152576
trans   734604

# cat phased.XA.phase0.stats | head -8
total   3704
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   0
total_mapped    3704
total_dups  257
total_nodups    3447
cis 3304
trans   143
# cat phased.XA.phase1.stats | head -8
total   3102
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   0
total_mapped    3102
total_dups  279
total_nodups    2823
cis 2389
trans   434
# cat phased.XA.unphased.stats | head -8
total   1203742
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   264503
total_mapped    939239
total_dups  59712
total_nodups    879527
cis 125709
trans   753818
# cat phased.XA.trans-phase.stats | head -8
total   1384
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   0
total_mapped    1384
total_dups  1
total_nodups    1383
cis 985
trans   398

I don't get why I don't have the same stats than in your tutorial, but the ratio of cis in phase0 / cis total is about the same range, I have here 2.5% (3304/(125709+985+2389+3304)) of cis in [hase0, in your example you have 1% (535/(52294+177+394+535)).

When I run the same example with the full fastq files (stll with SRR8811373), here are my final stats:

# cat phased.XA.dedup.stats | head -35
total   6923823
total_unmapped  953932
total_single_sided_mapped   1401139
total_mapped    4568752
total_dups  816275
total_nodups    3752477
cis 3045355
trans   707122

# cat phased.XA.phase0.stats | head -20
total   17866
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   0
total_mapped    17866
total_dups  4639
total_nodups    13227
cis 12685
trans   542
# cat phased.XA.phase1.stats | head -20
total   14771
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   0
total_mapped    14771
total_dups  4201
total_nodups    10570
cis 9202
trans   1368
# cat phased.XA.trans-phase.stats | head -20
total   6848
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   0
total_mapped    6848
total_dups  27
total_nodups    6821
cis 4867
trans   1954
# cat phased.XA.unphased.stats | head -20
total   5857878
total_unmapped  0
total_single_sided_mapped   1328611
total_mapped    4529267
total_dups  807408
total_nodups    3721859
cis 2529823
trans   1192036

Here the ratio of cis in phase0 / cis total is 0.4% (12685/(2529823+4867+12685+9202))

Do you know why the ratio of contact mapped on phase0 haplotype drops when I use the full dataset? do you have the same? I was expecting this ratio to be the same independently of using a full dataset or a sample.

2. Comparison with processed data:

So I compared with the number or ratio of pairs that they report in the original dataset (

head GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:4:11612:3393:4075 chr1    3000757 +   chr3    14672639    -   242 HIC_chr1_2  HIC_chr3_31231  34  12  0-0
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:3:11402:2702:9569 chr1    3003299 -   chr1    3266239 +   119 HIC_chr1_7  HIC_chr1_786    42  42  2-0
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:3:11612:25249:9112    chr1    3004023 +   chr1    10608406    -   261 HIC_chr1_13 HIC_chr1_20557  38  42  0-2
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:3:21510:8573:6102 chr1    3004278 -   chr4    20056554    -   182 HIC_chr1_15 HIC_chr4_43236  42  42  0-0
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:2:21109:18612:1489    chr1    3004451 -   chr1    3008304 +   175 HIC_chr1_16 HIC_chr1_24 42  42  0-0
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:1:21307:17607:14306   chr1    3005602 -   chr1    4002173 -   149 HIC_chr1_18 HIC_chr1_2746   42  42  0-0
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:3:11507:26752:1374    chr1    3011527 -   chr1    9745573 +   148 HIC_chr1_35 HIC_chr1_18503  42  42  0-0
NB501547:21:HCVWNAFXX:4:11602:20611:17311   chr1    3013889 -   chr3    14672639    -   399 HIC_chr1_40 HIC_chr3_31231  42  30  1-0

# total number of pairs
wc -l GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt
1209391 GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt

# number of phased pairs (with 1 being BL6, 2 CAST, 0 unassigned)

grep '0-0' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '1-1' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '2-2' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '1-2' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '2-1' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '0-1' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '1-0' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '2-0' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l
grep '0-2' GSM3691125_2CSE_70.allValidPairs.txt | wc -l

Then here the ratio of 1-1 over total (= phase0 in pairtools phase) is 6% (82362/1209391) I guess numbers of aligned reads, detected pairs and cis-contact will vary depending on quality threshold applied and algorithm used, but I don't get why it is so different between HiCPro output and pairtools phase on the full fastq file.

Additional questions:

Can I combine pairtools phase with pairtools dedub by restriction fragment? Can I combine pairtools phase with filterByCov? Something like pairtools parse -> pairtools phase -> pairtools sort -> pairtools dedup amplification duplicates -> pairtools restrict -> pairtools dedup by restriction fragment -> pairtools filterbycov -> pairtools select by phase

Thanks you for your help!


Program: bwa (alignment via Burrows-Wheeler transformation)
Version: 0.7.17-r1198-dirty

pairtools, version 1.0.2