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Define Comment Handling #10

Open philipashlock opened 11 years ago

philipashlock commented 11 years ago

Comments or other updates are crucial to enable collaboration around around issue reporting without generating duplicate reports. This could potentially be merged with #51 (ticket history) much like Trac handles comments and revisions in the same way.

This has been discussed on the following thread:

philipashlock commented 9 years ago

Comment handling with Accela Open311 is documented at

zbeat commented 7 years ago


@philipashlock Perhaps we could revisit support for comments on one of the next monthly calls?

peterwtux commented 7 years ago

For reading existing info, we've always include comments in the status_notes field. Currently they're strings with string timestamps, but we're about to adopt an extension to clean that up for GET /requests.FMT and GET /requests/NNN.FMT and present each comment as a unquie object in the response.

We have a UI use case that would benefit from status_notes being structured data (so the UI could highlight new comments on requests of interest to the user).

If the querystring argument "x_structured_notes" is passed with a value of "true", then we will fill with individual objects, each having elements <text> (textual content of the note), <created_utc> and <updated_utc> (integer number of seconds after the Unix Epoch UTC), and <updated_string> (textual display of updated_utc). created_utc and updated_utc are proposed as simple, machine-friendly integers to reduce processing cost on the client side. Example:


1407437225 Contractor has returned and cleaned pavers. Issue has been resolved Thursday, August 7, 2014 2:47 PM 1407437225
