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Add a data entry guide. #405

Open augustjohnson opened 8 months ago

augustjohnson commented 8 months ago

We need a guide for new users to be able to add new data.

Rrrrrrrrrrnt commented 8 months ago

Important steps for me were:

  1. finding out where to save the files (e.g. v1 or v2)
  2. finding out what file to use as a "template" (e.g. /data/v1/tob/monster.json)
  3. understanding the correct syntax for each section (a good sample file will cover this one)
  4. large documents, such as "Kobold Press tob 1 2023", can it be submitted in sections, making it more workable (for example, once "A" monsters are done, these can be checked and submitted while working on "B")?
  5. Document Number, where to add and how to know what number to use.
  6. understanding how to test the API (installing Python, brew, Jango, pip, pipx, creating the environment), my cheat sheet: Open5e Local Server build Instructions.txt
  7. understanding how to test the UI (edit /nuxt.config.ts to point to the local environment, install npm and run the environment), my cheat sheet: Open5e-api Local Server build Instructions.txt
  8. reading the script in VS Code is messy and can be confusing when checking the work, for this I created a template in excel (monsterjson rev2.xlsx) to help me add information, so it is easy to read when I am copying from the pdf.

The tech part was hard to do alone, as the guides online are incomplete or outdated.

All the above is local, then it came the part where i had to interact with everyone who knows what they are doing - and that was embarrassing (a little).

Took me a good couple of goes to get that I cannot click "commit" on VS Code just to same my work online.

The Commit part messy for a newbie (me), as if you make a mistake, you cannot "delete"the commit.

Finally, the Pull request process

The commit and pull request process is daunting for new people (it was for me), as it is when you thing - "Oh I could be screwing the actual API or UI up!"

This is the first time I "coded" anything, I took it on as a challenge and a puzzle and I enjoyed - but it is daunting.

A very important note: everyone was and is super nice, very patient and helped me a lot - that is why I'm motivated to keep going and add another source to the collection (I am assuming the first one will be approved and will work fine).

Thank you for having me and I hope I can help more :)

augustjohnson commented 1 month ago

Related to #456