openAVproductions / openAV-Fabla

A sampler LV2 plugin called Fabla
GNU General Public License v2.0
46 stars 12 forks source link

Fabla 2.0 Wishlist #36

Closed ViktorNova closed 7 years ago

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

A major thing missing from Fabla is having a filter on each pad

A switchable hi/low pass filter would do the trick, although having one of each with resonance would be ideal! Maybe plop in the upcoming new version of Filta? =D

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Hi @ViktorNova, thanks again for the feature suggestion.

I'd like to discuss what you actually require from Fabla 2.0. If possible, we could discuss it all on one issue? I'll rename this one to [feature-requests] Fabla 2.0 Wishlist. Bullet points would be awesome, with a little description.

Feel free to dream big, but please remember I'm only one person trying to make this actually happen! Cheers, -Harry

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Currently this list stands as:

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

Great! Thank you for being open to suggestions, I will totally add any ideas I have to this thread as they come to me. I have a few more, actually:

That's it for now, I'll keep em coming! =D

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Ok, so I've updated the Wiki page where I can keep track of the actual features that are happening, wishlist features, etc:

Thanks for these, they've made the cut; with the exception of entire UI resizing, which might be tricky, but its noted there.

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

Awesome! That is exciting. No problem, I'm not much of a coder but interfaces is totally my thing, so I'm glad I can help in some way =D

spectromas commented 9 years ago

That's all I can think of at the moment.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Hey @spectromas, thanks for joining in!

grejppi commented 9 years ago

I suggested this last May on #lmms but never remembered to open an issue for it... so here goes

23:21 < grejppi> lmms can't save folders inside an mmp for obvious reasons, so
                 it saves just the ttl
23:25 < HarryHaaren> ah yes, well.. fabla saves to wherever the host "tells it
                     to".. which means, whatever LILV does, which means... a
                     folder beside the .mmpz file?
23:26 < grejppi> HarryHaaren: yeah, if the host doesn't support state:makePath,
                 maybe fabla could save absolute file paths?
23:26 < grejppi> probably with the home dir replaced with ~
23:26 < HarryHaaren> ah yes, i guess why not. Generally not really a good
                     solution (for the obvious portability issues) but sure :)
harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@grejppi, thanks. I'll make state:makePath a requiredFeature. I don't like the idea of having some portable and some un-portable presets.

thorwil commented 9 years ago

I'd like to see adjustable influence of velocity on filter frequency. The same for resonance is not quite as important.

Candidates for integrated FX:

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@thowil, cheers for the suggestions, a few questions as I don't fully understand what you mean with some of them.

Cheers, -Harry

son0p commented 9 years ago

May be out of scope, but a feature for Beat Maker producers could be auto break a loop into rhythmic components, like ReCycle, and spread individual samples in pads.

I am no aware if there is a more handy tool for this, but FreeCycle seems too old (2005, I can't even compile for a QT3 -QT4 conflict)

and Snd can be a long deep road.

thorwil commented 9 years ago

Re Velocity: I think some synths get away with a single Velocity->Filter-Freq value, sometimes labeled with %. No idea how common it is to have the played note influence the filter frequency. For a drum sampler, I guess you don't have to bother. If I just can use a single sample and get a more and more muffled sound when lowering velocity, the job is done.

Now if you wanted to offer more control, you could have a switch for static vs velocity-dependent filter-freq. If the later is active, have 2 values for what zero and maximum velocity will mean and as icing on the cake, a parameter that changes the mapping from exponential over linear to exponential in the other orientation. An editable curve (like the curves for gradation in GIMP or Photoshop) would be rather excessive.

Resonator: Anything that deserves the name would be cool. Be it based on impulse response, fedback filters or any physical model. But I mainly thought of the technique of the Korg WSA1, using PCM samples as drivers, fed into physical models of simple tubes/plates/strings. Probably 2 numbers too big to be just another feature :)

Ring Mod: sine, saw, square/pulse, noise, perhaps? Fixed frequency, velocity influence, LFO, random. An option that makes the freq rise or drop on quick successions of hits? .... though that could become a paramter jungle, quickly.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@son0p, thanks for the beat-slicer suggestion: its actually already in the features list on the Wiki page:

OpenAV wrote a plugin years ago (before OpenAV even released code publicly!) that was a "breakbeat-reconfigurator". The code is very bad, and unmaintanable, so will not be released. See (the "old-style") screenshot here: refractor

I agree that such a workflow needs to be catered for, and its something I'm looking forward to creating! I had a lot of fun with Refractor, even in its basic state... so lets see! Cheers, -Harry

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@thorwil, cheers for the details:

spectromas commented 9 years ago

As far as the beat slicing there is always I don't know if it would be far too much work to implement somehow though?

Reverb would be very useful to add to the list if fx (or are all ArtyFX going to be in there?).

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago


Cheers, -Harry

spectromas commented 9 years ago

@harryhaaren thank you for the link, very in depth and interesting. Now you mention it I do remember you mentioning the problems with per-sample outs, it makes sense.

You're right, not all of them would be suitable. Delay and reverb, along with the others mentioned, would be essential in my opinion.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Added Delay-send to master Fx, thanks.

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

(I originally posted this somewhere else but moved it here as it seems more fitting in this thread)

Say 4 extra outputs per Fabla instance that work just like FX sends on a mixer board, where each pad has it's own knob for Fx send 1-4 that adjusts how much of each channel gets mixed into each output. If this was combined with a pre/post fader button, it could even be used for external effects that needed 100% wet signal without the complication of per-pad output.

I don't know if this addresses all of the issues around per-pad outputs or not, but it would certainly be easy to use and extremely handy for when you want external effects, and wouldn't overcomplicate Fabla for people who don't use the feature

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Hi @ViktorNova, I think you are referring to this post that you made earlier.

I would like to note that extensive discussion about having more than a stereo audio outputs has been discussed (both on the thread and on IRC (see summary here).

To sum up the above: The problem in providing "per-sound-sample-outputs" is that the host can no longer automatically route the outputs, causing every user to have to manually route the outputs of the plugin. Particularly for new users routing is confusing, and workflow is not an area where OpenAV will allow compromises.

  1. Adding more outputs to a plugin causes the user to have to think about routing. It is currently not possible to automatically and transparently handle the FX send busses feature.
  2. I do agree that the feature would be nice, and the way to pragmatic solution this is to firstly implement these FX busses internally inside a plugin.
  3. At a later date, when the appropriate LV2 extension is completed, hosts will be able to work with the plugin to provide FX send busses transparently to users. (See Robin's comment from IRC "the host should be improved to honor LV2 audio-port groups and properties").
ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

@harryhaaren This makes total sense, I was wondering what the current state of this was in LV2 and your discussion on the thread you linked sums it up in perfect detail. Thank you for going into this, it is exciting to know that these things are making some serious progress and to see the LV2 format evolving. I am very much looking forward to Fabla 2's internal effects!

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@ViktorNova, Indeed these are exciting times! I'll be posting a status-update on Fabla 2.0's design soon, so more info on the way!

ssj71 commented 9 years ago

@harryhaaren and @ViktorNova If NTK is going to be used, then currently there is no way to do UI resizing in LV2. This is because the LV2 resize extension gets called but the instance of the UI created in your instantiate function is out of scope. I have faced this with the infamous plugins. If the extension gets fixed then it will be relatively simple using cairo_scale. Unless I'm missing some workaround (in which case please fill me in).

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@ssj71 resizing is no issue? just resize the NTK "window" that is your top-level widget, and the rest will scale. Its not out of scope, its now in your LV2_Handle*? Or at least... can be if you store it?

Side note, Fabla 2.0 will be built using AVTK (also 2.0), and will not depend on NTK. I'm currently looking into widget scaling for this new AVTK.

ssj71 commented 9 years ago

Well, if you are moving away from NTK then there's not really an issue. The problem is because NTK Doesn't get resize events from the X window that it gets embedded in. Perhaps if in the idle function you can get the size of the parent window and call resize, but I thought I tried something like that. When the resize extension is called you are not passed the LV2_UI_Handle. That is exactly the problem. Anyhow, I don't know if this is the place to discuss it. Thanks though.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Hmm ok perhaps I'm misunderstanding and there is some issue there. I suggest #lv2 on or else LV2-developers mailing list. Cheers, -Harry

ssj71 commented 9 years ago feel free to pipe in on an old thread.

prokoudine commented 9 years ago

The only reason I don't use Fabla is because it doesn't provide a way to use multiple samples for different velocity ranges. I get it that you are all electronic music producers and probably couldn't care less. Still, if you want feature requests, this one is from me :)

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@prokoudine, accepted, now on feature list.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Coding started today, with significant progress made already:

naught101 commented 9 years ago

Pitch shifting. Base shifting + Velocity -> Pitch knobs.

Ideally, both time-dependant shifting (sample stretching), and time-independent shifting (resampling), and time-stretching (resampling, maintaining pitch).

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@naught101, thanks for the suggestions.

Thanks, I've updated the feature list on the wiki. Cheers, -Harry

kroll-j commented 9 years ago

This would make it really interesting for me for live use.

Thanks for the cool stuff you make!

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@jkroll20, thanks for the suggestions, see points:

nicopan commented 9 years ago

Hi Harry, I suggest:

Thanks Nicola

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Hi @nicopan, thanks for the suggestions.

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

Adjustable MIDI note would be very cool, it would allow Fabla 2 to be able to much more easily dropped into an existing setup, or for someone to migrate their MIDI sequences/drum brain/etc from another DAW or OS

This brings up an interesting realization about rearranging pads though, as mentioned previously - we are looking at the 16 pad grid no longer corresponding to midi notes 1 through 16 on the different octaves as it does now.. which would be totally fine as long as the midi note is clearly displayed on the pad..just thinking out loud

What are your plans so far for how Fabla 2 will handle the 4 banks, I mean as far as midi note assignment?

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

Again, feedback appreciated! -Harry

nicopan commented 9 years ago

Hi @Harry,

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@nicopan , wow thanks for the details on the velocity curves: awesome. I'll keep it in mind, but I will push it to 2.1 too, I really want to get a stable 2.0 out with minimal features soon. I've updated the Wiki page, see the Wishlist / 2.1 section. Thanks again!

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

@harryhaaren I agree that the banks and MIDI channels shouldn't be over-complicated by default. Maybe a good compromise would be to keep the default MIDI mappings as you have them with all the banks on one channel, but to then have the option available to assign a specific MIDI channel to each bank for the advanced users who need it? Combined with assignable notes per-pad, this should probably make everyone happy =)

I came up with a few more ideas:

It's very cool to see how much progress you are making! =) I am excited for Fabla 2

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@ViktorNova, thanks for the detailed feedback:

Thanks for the input, and keep an eye on progress on the wiki, Pad Features is only missing Renaming, and there's only a few DSP / UI items left too. Note that I have pushed quite some features (Master-FX, more voice-FX, AuxBus etc) to 2.1: I'd love some useability feedback on the sample loading and current layout before continuing to implement the other features, hence the 2.0 release with a reduced feature-set.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@ViktorNova , update: I've implemented file-name scanning in a folder, and if all samples in a dir have a common prefix, it isn't shown in the UI: this should solve your Kick-DANCE-xxxxx.wav issue from before.

This screenshot is from the AVTK demo app, but it will be similar (but polished looking) in Fabla. 2014-12-22-162436_453x161_scrot

naught101 commented 9 years ago

Just to be annoying with the output-per-pad thing: What would be really nice would be to have a way to use just the kick (or an arbitrary pad or set of pads) as a side-chain input to a bass drone. At the moment, in Ardour3, there's no nice way to do this, except either having a separate instance of Fabla on a different track, or programming the kick manually with samples.

I'm not asking for this in Fabla 2.0 or 2.1, but just some things to think about:

The extra-output-per-bank thing doesn't really work here (when you want to use the kick but not the snare as a side-chain controller), unless you want to break the midi drum mapping standard, which I think it would be preferable not to do (makes using controllers annoying, for instance).

Could the extra outputs just be assignable, instead of per-bank? Like, all pads are directed to standard Stereo out, and all have toggles or volume knobs to send them (post pad FX) to the extra outs? I wouldn't care how many extra outputs there were, but at least a couple..

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@naught101, I love this topic ;-) The last point: that is exactly the solution I'm proposing: (see 2nd diagam here but with 4 busses not 2 )

Note that the icing on the cake is that MIDI CC values can automate these send dials, which means that we have per note control of reverb / compression / etc if we want. That's unheard of in Linux audio until Fabla2! (The host will need to be able to automate MIDI CC in order to utilize this feature: Ardour can already do this, see screenshot below!)

This is planned and will be implemented as such for 2.1. I agree that the current workflow with Fabla1 as you have described is sub-optimal, and that's actually the reason Fabla2 was designed like this, and with the AuxBus feature.

Cheers, -Harry


naught101 commented 9 years ago

Sounds good.

Another idea for a future release: allow LV2 instruments instead of samplers. This'd be useful for 808 kicks and things like that.

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago

@naught101, If you're suggesting synth functionality as the source of material in each pad, then you're right on the money. The code is designed to have multiple sources: there can be a sampler and a synth active on a pad at the same time. I like that you're thinking forward to this workflow: i think its something that could be very cool!

For now, Shhhhh, don't tell anybody. This synth functionality will take a while, lets not spoil the surprise when it hits ;)

Current plan:

Cheers, -Harry

ViktorNova commented 9 years ago

@harryhaaren That is neat about the file name simplification. I hope it can be disabled if needed (to show the whole filename) just in case? It's all looking and sounding very cool, I can't wait for 2.0!

harryhaaren commented 9 years ago