openAVproductions / openAV-Fabla2

The repository of the Fabla2 sampler by OpenAV.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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crashing in Ardour #44

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I get a lot of crashes in Ardour4 using he latest Fabla 2.0, whenever I try to open the ui.

truncated terminal output: .... void Fabla2::Fabla2DSP::uiMessage(int, int, int, int, float) : sample not valid! Fix this. The program 'ardour-4.7.0' received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'. ....

Sorry if this is Ardour-related and not Fabla.

Love the new layout btw :-)

harryhaaren commented 8 years ago

@sandsound thanks for the report. I'm downloading the latest Ardour4 debug build now, and noted the possibility of the Gcc 4/5 breakage issue (see "Binary Interface" section of

Did you build Ardour and Fabla2 yourself? Or are you using Gcc4 version of Ardour + Fabla2 built yourself with Gcc5?

Sorry to ask these nasty questions - but it is a possibility that this is the root cause. Thanks -Harry

ghost commented 8 years ago

I'm using gcc 4.9.2 (Debian 4.9.2-10) to compile Fabla2. Ardour is just installed using the latest 4.7.0 64-bit installer downloaded from, so I'm not sure how it is compiled.

I did have another issue that may be related. When trying to load a saved song in Ardour, Fabla2 doesn't seam to find the right path to my samples and I get a series of: Error Loading andie/ardour_music/fabla2_test/plugins/260/state2/hihat_8.wav-1.wav-1.wav-1.wav : Pad 14 : Sample 0 : Frames == 0, ignoring this sample!

The full path to my samples is /home/sandie/ardour_music/drums/single_shot/ and I guess Ardour copy my files to the project folder, but the first part of the path seams to be missing in Fabla2?

Please let me know I theres anything I can do to further test/debug this.

harryhaaren commented 8 years ago

@sandsound - thanks, this is very helpful info. Are you familiar with Jalv? See "Usage" page on OpenAV if not:

Would you mind testing with Jalv, and see if it still has the same issue? Thanks!

ghost commented 8 years ago

Just did a couple of quick tests with Jalv. Loading a preset sometimes gives an empty black window and this error: Fabla2UI /home/sandie/.config/openAV/fabla2/fabla2.prfs : File doesn't exist, aborting. I don't even have a /home/sandie/.config/openAV/ folder.

And I also get this error everytime: transport UIvoid Fabla2::Fabla2DSP::uiMessage(int, int, int, int, float) : sample not valid! Fix this.

btw. I can see that I have a /home/sandie/.lv2 folder in my home where it saves presets.

harryhaaren commented 8 years ago

The Fabla2UI prfs is only a configuration warning, no stress. I should mark it as that though, noted.

git pull and the 2nd "error" message will go away - I had enabled it to debug a different issue, but that's resolved now. Thanks! (Edit: Pushed just now, so git pull will actually do something! I'm AFK for the rest of the evening, will follow up later in the week)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Just tested the latest version, and the second message is gone, but I still get a black window most of the time, this have also happened sometimes in Ardour. In Ardour I can open the ui one or two times before this happens.

Please let me know I theres anything else you'd like me to try.

harryhaaren commented 8 years ago

@sandsound, thanks for the update - black window also in Jalv? I can reproduce the black-window in Ardour, but I've never experienced it in Jalv. There are some differences in the Jalv UI implementations (in terms of GCC / ABI issues, not Jalv issues) so would you test opening the Fabla2 UI with all 3 of these please?


Thanks, -Harry

ghost commented 8 years ago

Running Fabla2 with: jalv.gtk jalv.gtkmm works the first time, but closing it and running it again gives a black window, and jalv.gtkmm doesn't show the menu at all, sometimes it comes back after a few tries. There are no errors, but I get this warning every time: Fabla2:State() Warning, no JSON : not loading preset.

Using jalv.qt I get a "command not found" I have jalv 1.4.7(svn) installed from KxStudio repros, and I guess they didn't include the qt one?

ghost commented 8 years ago

btw. If you'd like, I can try out some other distro and see if the problem persists there. Is there a distro that you would recommend?

harryhaaren commented 8 years ago

@sandsound, thanks for the Jalv feedback. I'll take this into account, and see if I can figure out whats going on here

Absolutely no need to swap distro - this needs to work. I might ask you to compile Jalv from source and run the same tests as above (this will 100% rule out ABI issues if it still occurs). Would you mind compiling Jalv from source?


ghost commented 8 years ago

I compiled jalv-1.4.6 from source, and I still get the black window problem. It's not completely consistent thou, after a reboot the ui is always shown, but on second or third run, I get the black window.

Sorry if it's a dumb question, but what is ABI? Association of British Insurers? ;-)

georgkrause commented 7 years ago

cannot reproduce the black window issue with jalv, will check ardour crashes later.

@sandsound how is the state for you at the moment?

ghost commented 7 years ago

I switched to Debian stretch to see if that would help, but unfortunately the problem is still there for me.

harryhaaren commented 7 years ago

Re: black screen on startup, see bullet 2 of release notes: (this may or may not be the root cause - I need to test and verify).

Re: testing with Ardour - I only test and expect F2 to (mostly) "just work" in Jalv at the moment.

georgkrause commented 7 years ago

@harryhaaren so you don't want issues with ardour/other hosts reported?