openAVproductions / openAV-Luppp

Luppp is a live performance tool, created by OpenAV productions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Luppp dependencies Installation issue #327

Open snapa25 opened 5 months ago

snapa25 commented 5 months ago

Hi, I'm pretty sure this will be down to 'user error' but I'm following your instructions trying to install Luppp on old Ubunbtu 14.04 based distro called KXStudio currently and having issue. I am comfortable enough navigating around Linux file system on command line and running provided commands but this isn't enough knowledge needed it seems for the prerequisites. (in relation to library check and using Meson)

Issue 1 - Library Check Where it is necessary to check libraries you have listed I have used command below for all the lib names you listed (example for Jack though I use Jack so presumed I have it). /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep jack

This went well till I got to the 2 'git clone' options for NTK. Even if I run these with Sudo, with either of the 2 command options you provided in the install instructions I get messages back shown below: "Cloning into 'ntk'... fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists."

Issue 2 - Running Meson Per your instructions I used terminal to navigate to top directory level (), to use the command 'meson build'. To be honest this was one I used in trust as didn't technically know what it was doing apart from what the name suggests. In any case it did not work, with output: "No command 'meson' found,"

I wasn't entirely surprised as I hadn't any recollection of ever installing anything called Meson before. A quick google later and I found talking about projects etc but I am not a programmer don't know how to use it and of course not trying to use it for my own project, just do what is necessary to install Luppp

So if these are dependencies, I may be stuck, could any of my problems be due to the distro age I'm using? I am keen to support your project and have some back ground in software testing which I'm more than happy to give more input on bugs etc if I can get it installed :-) so any advise you can offer is appreciated.

wvengen commented 1 month ago

For libraries, you need dev headers: sudo apt install libjack-jackd2-dev liblo-dev libcairo2-dev libsndfile1-dev libsamplerate0-dev For NTK, I've had success with (related #323) For Meson, run sudo apt install meson

I'm not sure if this addresses everything for you, but it may help you on the way.

snapa25 commented 2 days ago

I'm very grateful to you for providing the info above which worked for me. I found Microsoft Bing to also get me further in getting commands to add the libraries. It turns out I also needed to install git. I didn't know this was also a dependency as hadn't recognised git as a program. This allowed me to use your ntk, though of course I have no idea what it's for though related to non. Presumably this is a repo? Now I reach using Meson. Never used before but successfully installed. The first instruction for Luppp regarding this says to run 'Meson build'. After working out I needed to install Meson and achieving that, it seems I need to be in a specific directory. I found one called build and changed command prompt to work from that directory. But the meson build command still doesn't work, complaining it can't find a build file. Looking at the Meson web site, I could create one I think but surely one of these should exist specifically for Luppp, The Luppp install guide commands shown to this point don't suggest to me though that I have acquired such a thing. I feel like I'm so close.