Testsuite execution is failing after this testcase
ServiceLayer / IndividualPart / /v1/bequeath-your-data-and-die / Acceptance / Attribute configured? / new-application-address updated? / domain-name updated?
Usually it will take around 1 hour to run the individual service testsuite run. But in the latest , it took almost 4 hours to complete a run.
And after the mentioned testcase , we couldn’t able to retrieve control-construct and that leads to “unauthorized” error for all the after run testcases.
Testsuite execution is failing after this testcase ServiceLayer / IndividualPart / /v1/bequeath-your-data-and-die / Acceptance / Attribute configured? / new-application-address updated? / domain-name updated?
Usually it will take around 1 hour to run the individual service testsuite run. But in the latest , it took almost 4 hours to complete a run. And after the mentioned testcase , we couldn’t able to retrieve control-construct and that leads to “unauthorized” error for all the after run testcases.