Here , in the response-body , the mac-table-entry-list is inside the object mac-fd-1-0:output.
But , in the callback PostToLiveRpcForProvidingLearnedMacAdressesCausesInitiatingRpcExecutionOnDevice, the schema definition of the response-body is as below , ( schema starts with "mac-fd-1-0:mac-table-entry-list" )
When we perform the RPC to get the list of learned-mac-addresses from the controller,
a sample response from the controller is as below ,
Here , in the response-body , the mac-table-entry-list is inside the object mac-fd-1-0:output. But , in the callback PostToLiveRpcForProvidingLearnedMacAdressesCausesInitiatingRpcExecutionOnDevice, the schema definition of the response-body is as below , ( schema starts with "mac-fd-1-0:mac-table-entry-list" )
Kindly let us know whether the schema should be like below ,