The responseCodes are not aligned between both services and for (2, 3) the responseCode does not match the code given in the responseBody.
For cache services I see 500, "unable to fetch records..." which is aligned across the cache responses I checked, but again not aligned with services above (pic4/5).
We anyway should align error responses across the various applications, but still it should be at least aligned across services in a single application.
The error responses are inconsistent; if an unknown link-id/device-name is passed in the requestBody:
The responseCodes are not aligned between both services and for (2, 3) the responseCode does not match the code given in the responseBody.
For cache services I see 500, "unable to fetch records..." which is aligned across the cache responses I checked, but again not aligned with services above (pic4/5).
We anyway should align error responses across the various applications, but still it should be at least aligned across services in a single application.