1. Device in `connected` state and listed under list of `connected` devices in MWDI (http://xx:xx/v1/provide-list-of-connected-devices
2. Changed the state of Device from `Connected` to `Connecting` by editing an ODL attribute. ("sleep-factor")
3. Device gets `connected` back and listed again in " List of connected Devices" in MWDI (http://xx:xx/v1/provide-list-of-connected-devices)
4. Unable to retrieve the cache for newly connected device.
{code: 404, message: "unable to fetch records for mountName 513250006"}
code: 404
message: "unable to fetch records for mountName 513250006"
MWDI Cache is not getting updated if a device disconnects and reconnects back. Observing 404 error response. Issue is occurring randomly.
Package: 1.1.2f
API: http://XX:XX/core-model-1-4:network-control-domain=cache/control-construct=513250006