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OEDI Public Dataset Documentation
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Data architecture of the OEDI project #8

Closed Sander3003 closed 4 years ago

Sander3003 commented 4 years ago

HI LF energy OEDI project,

From de LF energy data architecture working group, we are interested in the data architecture of the OEDI project. This could be input for the LF energy data architecture framework and improve the interopbaiblity of the LF energy projects.

Can someone give a presentation around these OEDI topics for the LF energy data architecture workgroup and join the office our to present it?

MRossol commented 4 years ago

Hi @Sander3003 more than happy to present on OEDI to the LF Energy Data Architecture Working Group. Mind sending me an e-mail ( with potential dates and how long you want us to talk for?

Sander3003 commented 4 years ago

Hi Michael,

As discussed on Github, we have a weekly office hour.

Teleconference weekly on Thursdays, 7:00 US Pacific Time

It would be nice if you can join tomorrow. If that is too early, you can pick another date.

30 minutes presentation and 20 minutes discussion? We are most interested in the semantic side; what semantics are used and why.