openENTRANCE / openentrance

Definitions of common terms (variables, regions, etc.) for the openENTRANCE project
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Adding new variable for electricity merit order prices #19

Open IngeborgGraabak opened 4 years ago

IngeborgGraabak commented 4 years ago

In the present version of the common data format, there are two variables for electricity prices: i) "Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity" with the explanation "electricity price at the secondary level, i.e. for large scale consumers (e.g. aluminum production). Prices should include the effect of carbon prices." ii) "Price|Final Energy|Residential|Electricity" with the explanation "Electricity price at the final level in the residential sector. Prices should include the effect of carbon prices"

FANSI provides electricity prices per hour and regions according to merit-order. The merit order prices are independent of type of consumption, e.g. "Residental", "Large consumers" etc. I suggest adding a new variable "Price|Final Energy|Merit order|Electricity" with the explanation "Electricity price at the final level calculated according to the merit order principle"

danielhuppmann commented 4 years ago

Thanks @IngeborgGraabak for raising this question.

If I understand you correctly, you want to report the marginal cost of supplying electricity (ie the point on the merit order cost curve where generation and demand are equal). This should (in principle) be identical to the short-term spot market price.

From the point of the energy supply chain, this would be at the secondary energy level - if it's not related to consumption, it shouldn't be final energy. So I would rather

arght commented 4 years ago

I understand that there are two points of view:

danielhuppmann commented 4 years ago

Thanks @arght - agree to add commercial and industrial electricity price variables to the already existing one for residential customers (see here) - would be nice if you could start a pull request for that?

Regarding the distinction between SRMC and spot market price, I would still like to wait for a response by @IngeborgGraabak whether the two concepts are really different - and if not, we use the existing variable (see here).

IngeborgGraabak commented 4 years ago

From my point of view, we can use the same variable for the SRMC and the spot market price. It is fine if we adapt the definition of Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity to be related to the market price.

sandrinecharousset commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, My point of view is that there exist different categories of ‘prices’ that are different:

IngeborgGraabak commented 4 years ago

I agree that we have three categories. FANSI calculates the marginal prices as you suggest. For me it is OK if we split into these three categories.