openENTRANCE / openentrance

Definitions of common terms (variables, regions, etc.) for the openENTRANCE project
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Names of technologies #59

Open sandrinecharousset opened 4 years ago

sandrinecharousset commented 4 years ago

There is a quite big list of technologies involved in the nomenclature, and there may be some unconsistancies coming from the fact that technologies names come from different sources and horizons. The objective of this pull request is to define the list of technologies to be used now (knowing that it can evolve in the future), in particular avoid duplication of technologies names. I also remember a discussion that I cannot find any more aiming at simplifying the yaml files which are becoming very big with lots of variables 'duplicated' per technology. The idea was that instead of having a huge list eg Capacity|Electricity|techno1 ...., to use Capacity|Electricity| (eg , . Then we would need to maintain lists of technologies for each category. Would like to have your opinions @erikfilias @danielhuppmann @tburandt and all others of course I have no idea if this would be compatible with the tools for checking the nomenclature... List of technos existing now in the nomenclature for power system is:

1/ thermal power Nuclear Biomass Biomass|w/ CCS Biomass|w/o CCS Biomass|Traditional (from ehighway) Biomass|New and imported (from ehighway) (note that there exist 2 potential segmentations for biomass as namings come from different scenarios) Coal Coal|w/ CCS Coal|w/o CCS Lignite (from ehighway) Fossil Gas Gas|w/ CCS Gas|w/o CCS Gas|Fossil Gas|Fossil|w/ CCS Gas|Fossil|w/o CCS Gas|Biomethane Gas|Biomethane|w/ CCS Gas|Biomethane|w/o CCS Gas|Synthetic Methane Gas|Synthetic Methane|w/ CCS Gas|Synthetic Methane|w/o CCS Oil Oil|w/ CCS Oil|w/o CCS

3/ variable renewable Solar Solar|CSP Solar|PV Wind Wind|Offshore Wind|Onshore Hydro|Run of River

4/ I dont know how to classify Hydrogen Geothermal Non-Biomass Renewables Ocean Other

5/ storage 5-1 short term storage Hydro|Pumped Storage Energy Storage System

5-2 seasonal storage Demand response|Load shifting Demand response|Load curtailement Hydro|Reservoir

The idea of the classification is to link it with the list of needed variables.... Would appreciate your feedback

danielhuppmann commented 4 years ago

this is a great idea, and it is related to a proposal I made earlier (#29) - I just need a few free days to implement this...

sandrinecharousset commented 4 years ago

Thanks @danielhuppmann , I remembered this but could not find it, sorry for opening yet a new issue!

HauHe commented 2 years ago

Hi @sandrinecharousset , @danielhuppmann,

have you by chance already made any progress on this?

When strolling through the repo trying to figure out how to report the capital cost of technologies I landed in this issue.

In the readme in the technology folder it says:

Capital Cost

Variables for the overnight capital cost for new construction of power plants or tranmission lines should follow the structure below.

Capital Cost|<Fuel>|<Specification>
Capital Cost|<Fuel>|<Specification>|<Identifier Of A Specific Power Plant>

Am I right that there is no list of terms that could be used to fill ?

Would be happ to contribute, but perhaps I just missed that there is already some collection of standard technology names?

sandrinecharousset commented 2 years ago

@HauHe In which file did you see this? In technology.yaml, eg you can find Capital Cost|Electricity|, and the list of is here you can also find in the same directory list of , and Seems to me this was completed but I may be wrong.... (and we still can add new categories to "Fuel" and others...... Best!

HauHe commented 2 years ago

@sandrinecharousset, thanks for your fast response and sorry for my slightly inprecise formulation. The description of the Capital Cost that I posted above comes from here: What I'm looking for is a list of terms to use for the placeholder <Specification> not the <Fuel>. I see that in the list you shared there are some technologies like Gas|OCGTdefined, but as the name of the list says it is rather fuel types than technology types. Therefore, I thought that this issue is about creating a yaml file perhaps called technology_types similiar to the fuel_types. Best, Hauke

erikfilias commented 2 years ago

Hi @HauHe , Could you give us a list of "technology types" and potential variables involved, please? I'll try to take care of it in a PR and check all the remaining variables (and their related technology) if @danielhuppmann and @sandrinecharousset agree.

HauHe commented 2 years ago

Hi @erikfilias, sure I could create a list/draft. Should I already submit as a PR? Then we could build up from that.

sandrinecharousset commented 2 years ago

@HauHe @erikfilias sounds great!

erikfilias commented 2 years ago

Hi @erikfilias, sure I could create a list/draft. Should I already submit as a PR? Then we could build up from that.

I agree; I'll try to care of it asap.

danielhuppmann commented 2 years ago

Thanks @HauHe for putting this issue onto the radar again!

I started a while back to implement a more structured approach to variables using the tags, but didn't have the time to fully incorporate this throughout the definitions.

If either one of you could start a "technology_types" (looking at the power-sector only as a start, I guess?), that would be great!