openETCS / Charta

Charta according to the openETCS PCA V.3.0.2
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Charter Review: Goal and Vision #4

Open jastram opened 10 years ago

jastram commented 10 years ago

Review re #2, to elaborate on #3

The goal and vision are the most important part of this document, everything else should be consistent with what's written here. Therefore, I suggest to make it more concise, and if possible shorter. Here are some specifics that I noticed:

"Providing a set of industry-friendly as well as user-friendly open source tools, frameworks, and components"

This seems redundant and incomplete. Suggestion:

"Providing a set of industry-strength tools for the development of the software-portion of on-board systems, as well an industry-quality methodology to go with it."

"Providing collaborative"

Make explicit that collaboration will take place across organizations. I would merge that with bullet 3.

"Providing the documents and qualification kits required for certification"

When investigating qualification for openIT4SR, we realized that such an attempt is futile, if it is not driven by a commercial entity behind a tool. Therefore, I woud replace with: "Encourage commercial entities to offer qualification and certification services"

This affects also the section "Component Management".

I would drop bulltes 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and merge only the most relevant content in the other bullets.