openETCS / governance

part of WP1: information needed to run project management in openetcs
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Issues for Chapter 1 of the QA Plan "Introduction" #35

Closed MerlinPokam closed 11 years ago

MerlinPokam commented 11 years ago

Section 1.1 Purpose "The QA Plan also describes the activities to monitor and manage quality in all aspects of the project: ˆProviding objective evaluation of processes and products against applicable standards and requirements"

--> Issue 1: for me a QA Plan shall not provide the evaluation of processes and products but define and ensure that of processes and products are compliant with the corresponding standard, according to the required System/software safety integrity level

Section 1.2 Scope --> Issue 2: For me the title is not compliant with the description there. my proposition will be to rename the section "scope" in "Goals of the openETCS project"

--> Issue 3: Goals described here are not more compatible with those described in D2.3

Section 1.5 References, Guidelines and Standards --> Isuue 4: The tables have no title

--> Issue 5: in Table "References" the Software Validation Plan is missing; the Modification and change control Plan is also missing.

--> Issue 6: For each table in section 1.5; i would suggest to add 2 columns additionally to each of them: 1 column: "Version" to record the version of each document

  1. column: "Date" to record the edition date of each documents
idelatorre commented 11 years ago

issue 1: the text is changed

issue 2: the title has been renamed

issue 3: this is an issue to be done by Bernd

issue 4: please, clarify it. What do you mean?. In the pdf I created I see each table title in blue (the first row).

issue 5: openETCS Validation & Verification Plan and Change/Problem Management process have been included

issue 6: The tables have those columns to make it easier to maintain.

The version column may be added. However the version column has no content whenever the reference included corresponds to a wiki page without a version identifier.. For example: Committer Election Guideline

In case of the addition of the Date column, the table should be updated more often. I believe that with the addition of the version column, the references/procedures/... are already identified

MerlinPokam commented 11 years ago

issue 4: please, clarify it. What do you mean?. In the pdf I created I see each table title in blue (the first row).

--> the table has a title, OK... i see no number (like Table 1 or Table 1.1 and so on) + the table can not be referenced in the chapter "Figures and Tables", a chapter where all the Tables and figures present in the document shall be listed.

--> This chapter (Figures and Tables) is missing at all in our document

MerlinPokam commented 11 years ago

The version column may be added. However the version column has no content whenever the reference included corresponds to a wiki page without a version identifier.. For example: Committer Election Guideline

In case of the addition of the Date column, the table should be updated more often. I believe that with the addition of the version column, the references/procedures/... are already identified

--> let me take for example the table "Standard" there you list the standard: EN50128. But without a "edition date" of the standard and/or "version" for me the reference is incompleted.

agracia commented 11 years ago

Issue 3: the goals of the Chapter 1 shall be updated by @BerndHekele . This issue is assigned to him. Please Bernd inform about the update once it is done so this thread can be closed. issue 4: this issue shall be fixed through the Issue #41. issue 6: the column has been renamed to edition/date/version/ so whenever it is necessary (example of EN 50128) more needed information can be provided.

BerndHekele commented 11 years ago

Issue 3: I propose the following Text as a substitute

Scope of this document is to give the openETCS community a clear guidance on how to implement and release a product (toolchain as well as onboard unit) that might be in future SIL4,

The QA plan has to cover all relevant phases of the product lifecycle. As some processes develop during the product development cycle, some parts of the QA-plan might be due to a later milestone. This will be indicated in the relevant section.

Special attention is needed when we merge our basic process incredients like

Wherever feasable, the QA plan will refer to an existing document rather than duplicating information.

Note: the scope of openETCS is defined in other places, e.g., PCA, FPP.

Please, feel free to comment.

agracia commented 11 years ago

Dear Bernd

We have been reviewing these goals and we have been assessing the change of scope you have proposed. Although the scope of openETCS is already defined in other places we agreed on maintaining the 'Goals of openETCS project' sectipon as it is nowadays; in this section a brief summary with the key goals with regard to the openETCS project shall be provided.

The purpose and objectives of the QA-Plan itself are included in the section 1.1, so it is not neccesary to explain the goals of the QA-Plan in this section.

BerndHekele commented 11 years ago

I have checked Marielles document for the reference we discussed last time. I feel the following section from D2.3 fits nicely to our docuement: <>BEGIN of TEXT<>


This document describes the process to be applied during the OpenETCS project to achieve the main goals of the OpenETCS project:

\paragraph{A semi-formal reference specification for the ETCS requirements and architecture, completed by strictly formal models of sub-parts} The first goal of the project is to propose a semi-formal specification of the ETCS on-board functionalities according to UNISIG SUBSET-026 \cite{unisig_subset-026_2012}, baseline 3.

The purpose of this model is: \begin{itemize} \item to enhance the understanding of the subset; \item to be able to animate the model for testing and analysing purpose at system level; \item to provide information on the completeness and soundness of the SUBSET-026; \item to be used as a reference semi-formal specification for the implementation of an on-board unit (by the OpenETCS project team and by industrial actors); \end{itemize}

The output is a model, at least semi-formal, which can be extended to many formal approaches (SCADE, Simulink, B tools, OpenETCS tool chain…) that can be given to all railway actors, and if possible associated to SRS documents in the ERA database.

Thus, strictly formal models can be designed from this semi-formal model which allows for formal proofs of sub-parts of SUBSET-026. This will allow improving the understanding of the system, and will provide elements for verification and validation using formal proof.

The final goal is that industrial actors work with this model instead of the natural language specification. The objective is to cover as much as possible of the functionality of the on-board unit described in SUBSET-026 and to show the capabilities of analyses of a complex system using formal approaches.

<>end of TEXT<> We can discuss this inside the QA meeting.

kind regards Bernd

MerlinPokam commented 11 years ago

@BerndHekele For me that is exactly what we want to do within OpenETCS!

idelatorre commented 11 years ago

The new text has been included in version D1.3.1_QA_Plan_0.10.0.