openETCS / governance

part of WP1: information needed to run project management in openetcs
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RC for SCMP 0.0.1 (Branch RC_SCMP_0.0.1) #97

Open PeerJacobsen opened 10 years ago

PeerJacobsen commented 10 years ago

Update: No feedback yet, so let's give it a bit more time. I guess chances of hearing something before the end of next week are slim and after that I'll be on vacation. I'll be back on July 7th and hope there will be some input by then.

I've also corrected the link to the PDF file, which was pointing at the old SCMP version (sorry about that).

I've restructured and updated the SCMP ( But there is still some placeholder text and numerous open questions (marked in the document with "Open:..." in red text).

It would be great to receive some feedback and input, so I can fill the gaps and publish a more complete version.

Let's start with the following people (naturally everybody else is welcome to contribute as well):

It's only about 30 pages, so let's see how far we get in 10 days (02/06/2014). Thank you!