openETCS / toolchain

WP7: Top Level Project for the toolchain
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Please test alpha release of the toolchain for Luna version #482

Closed MatthieuPERIN closed 9 years ago

MatthieuPERIN commented 9 years ago

The luna version of the toolcahin have it first alpha version.

Please have a look at it and give feedback (remind that it is an alpha version).

astante commented 9 years ago

I will of course try that out to test a bit the functionality for the ITEA review.

MatthieuPERIN commented 9 years ago

Th SysML to B UI integration have not bee successful (see #441 for more details) and i will launch a build with the modification from @stante on SysML Constraint (see #376 ) for the alpha 2 version.

MatthieuPERIN commented 9 years ago

The alpha 2 version is Up, do not hesitate to try it ... @MariellePetitDoche if your bug is still present tell me !

MariellePetitDoche commented 9 years ago

I succeed to install the bnew release (linux 64 bits) and to open the old model. However openning is really slow.

now, is it possible to work and modify my old model (created on Kepler) or shall I wait ?

MatthieuPERIN commented 9 years ago

@MariellePetitDoche , You can edit and modify them in the alpha but keep in mind that these modified version will not be usable anymore in the Kepler toolchain

For the performance issue, can you give me your hardware configuration and can somebody else try the 64bit version of the toolchain to have another test ?

Do your performance issue also present when modelling on a fresh newly created model ?

MariellePetitDoche commented 9 years ago

Performance issues are mainly occured at starting, expecially the first time. Then they have been some improvements since my last experiences with the Kepler version. But maybe it is due to my pretty new latop (i5-4200H, 2,8 GHz, 8GB of RAM)

MatthieuPERIN commented 9 years ago

At first startup eclipse set-up the workspace, translate uml models, load papyrus, etc ... so performance issue can occur here for sure.

Then, as eclipse is really RAM dependent, the 8GB RAM have helped a lot, still I am happy that the toolchain is more operable now :)

jastram commented 9 years ago

Migration is complete, so will close this one.