openETCS / toolchain

WP7: Top Level Project for the toolchain
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Requirements: Model-building CI #487

Closed jastram closed 9 years ago

jastram commented 9 years ago

WP4 requested continuous integration for the Scade model, and indicated that WP3 is likely interested as well. Here are the assumptions and requirements for such a system:

Just updating the status would be problematic: imagine two subsequent changes that are picked up by Jenkins: the first one with changes in the Scade folder, the second without. If we'd just update the status, the change could be missed. Using timestamps allows the requesting script to memorize how far the status file had been processed last time. Any non-zero value since that timestamp would count as a significant change.

jastram commented 9 years ago

Possible solution discussed by @MarcBehrens and @jastram :

We already have Jenkins (via CloudBees) in place. Jenkins is capable of observing a git repository. Therefore, the process could work as follows:

MarcBehrens commented 9 years ago

The environment and automation for the build computer is already available. First results of a complete code generation and compilation is available at . Is there an upate on the CI?

jastram commented 9 years ago

Hello Marc,

Unfortunately, nothing new yet, it's in the pipeline.

jastram commented 9 years ago

Hello Marc,

We're making some progress here and started to set up the infrastructure. While we do this, a few questions:

  1. What changes shall we monitor, exactly: Which repository (validation or model)? Which files?
  2. We can put a marker file in the repository, as proposed above. But keep in mind that this will create a lot of commits that are not really meaningful. Is this really what you want? It's probably very convenient for you. If you want Jenkins to write a marker file, then Jenkins needs write permissions to the repository. We'll have to set up a corresponding account.
  3. If you decide against a marker file in the repository, we can put a marker file on the cloudbees server. You could then simply check the content of that file in a regular interval by retrieving it with wget or similar.

So: Which route would you like to go, 2 or 3? My recommendation is 3.

MarcBehrens commented 9 years ago

Hello Michael,

To 1) since we are working on SCADE code the entrance point is the folder

and below.

To 2) and 3) A marker file would be a good way for the second step.

I think the first step would be to get a nightly automatic code generation and compilation running with the aim to provide a nightly executable of the OBU.

This means that we would provide the nightly code which is then further processed.

Should we also provide the executable or is it possible to process this on cloudbee?

In a second step we could then talk about a marker or summary within the cloudbees server providing only an update of code/executable when changes occur.

I would like to keep the commits to the modeling repository as slim as possible.

Kind regards


jastram commented 9 years ago

Hello Marc,

Please check out the updated description of this issue, where I propose a new implementation. Would that work for you?

jastram commented 9 years ago

@MarcBehrens - CloudBees is now connected to the modeling repository and checks once an hour for changes. As far as I am concerned, you can start using this for your automation.

So essentially, we are done with this. I will therefore close this issue.

I filed #492 as a follow-up, as you requested at the Backlog grooming session.

RobertoKretschmer commented 9 years ago

I will be out of the office starting 05.06.2015 and will not return until 20.06.2015

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