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WP7: Top Level Project for the toolchain
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Demo Script (final Itea Review) #512

Open jastram opened 8 years ago

jastram commented 8 years ago

We need to elaborate on the demo script, as decided at the Munich Workshop. Please provide your comments below, and updated the script directly here in the description.

morido commented 8 years ago

Show Subset-26: Appearance, automatically created links and metadata, etc. (Work from Moritz)

Do you want me to provide an update to those files which make them pass ProR's new ReqIF-validator? Or are you ok with the status quo?

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Dear Moritz,

If you have new files, which could be used and just plugged it would be great to use them.

Do you already have the files?

Vest regards


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Moritz Dorka [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2015 23:10 An: openETCS/toolchain Cc: Jan Welte Betreff: Re: [toolchain] Demo Script (final Itea Review) (#512)

Show Subset-26: Appearance, automatically created links and metadata, etc. (Work from Moritz)

Do you want me to provide an update to those files which make them pass ProR's new ReqIF-validator? Or are you ok with the status quo?

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morido commented 8 years ago

@janWelte I don't have the files, yet. But I have the tool to generate them :) So its just a matter of running the tool and uploading its output into my repo. I'll do it on the weekend and then get back to you, ok?

janWelte commented 8 years ago

That's great. Thanks a lot.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Moritz Dorka [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015 12:50 An: openETCS/toolchain Cc: Jan Welte Betreff: Re: [toolchain] Demo Script (final Itea Review) (#512)

@janWelte I don't have the files, yet. But I have the tool to generate them :) So its just a matter of running the tool and uploading its output into my repo. I'll do it on the weekend and then get back to you, ok?

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jastram commented 8 years ago

@morido - that would be great. We're also fixing the problem with the images: One reason why Moritz wrote invalid links was that our HTML-Renderer did not process them correctly.

@iweigelt - can you please make sure that we fix RMF in time for this?

morido commented 8 years ago

can you please make sure that we fix RMF in time for this?

This does not seem to be done yet. Hence, it does not make sense to provide any new ReqIFs either. If you internally need files for testing, please get back to me. Otherwise, I will wait for the bugfix in ProR.

iweigelt commented 8 years ago

Hello Moritz,

i am already working on the fix. Can you provide me with the new files for testing, please.

Best, Ingo

morido commented 8 years ago

Here is a version of chapter2 that passes the validator (except for two points regarding ProR's internals - perhaps somebody can give me a hint regarding those). However, when displaying contents of the file ProR cannot find the linked PNGs.

FrederiqueVallee commented 8 years ago

Hello Michael,

We have been able to import the SysML model, to perform a safety analysis on it and to have some results.

For the review, I’ll be able to make a demo (on my machine) that shows :

  1.  The papyrus model implemented into ESF,
  2.  The way the safety analysis is performed,
  3.  The fault tree that is generated,
  4.  The test that is built from the fault tree and that demonstrates a safety weakness of the model (still under study because the SCADE model is constantly evolving - to be confirmed)

You could then execute (on your machine - I don’t have a SCADE license) the SCADE test on the SCADE model to show the results

Is it OK for you ?


Frédérique VALLEE Directeur Général Adjoint

Fixe : +33 (0)1 78 85 81 43

Mobile : +33 (0)6 81 68 92 92

Immeuble Odyssée - Bât E - 2-12 rue du Chemin des Femmes - 91300 MASSY

De : Michael Jastram [] Envoyé : mercredi 2 décembre 2015 09:22 À : openETCS/toolchain Cc : FrederiqueVallee Objet : [toolchain] Demo Script (final Itea Review) (#512)

We need to elaborate on the demo script, as decided at the Munich Workshop. Please provide your comments below, and updated the script directly here in the description.

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L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel antivirus Avast.

jastram commented 8 years ago

Hi Frederique,

Is it OK for you ?

There are three problems with this: First, I don't have Scade on my machine either; second, I thought we decided against machine switching, due to the time constraints; and last, this sounds really extensive, considering how little time we have.

I would suggest the following: If you provide me with step by step instructions, I can show this as part of my demo. Alternatively, maybe it makes more sense to show this as part of WP4 - @MarcBehrens - what do you think?

FrederiqueVallee commented 8 years ago

Hello Michael,

Considering the time we have I think that it is not easy to show all the needed steps in a « pure demo » (switch needed between Scade system/ESF/Scade suite -> too long). What do you think if I prepare a video of less than 5 mn that you could launch on your PC?

Best regards,


De : Michael Jastram [] Envoyé : lundi 7 décembre 2015 21:15 À : openETCS/toolchain Cc : FrederiqueVallee Objet : Re: [toolchain] Demo Script (final Itea Review) (#512)

Hi Frederique,

Is it OK for you ?

There are three problems with this: First, I don't have Scade on my machine either; second, I thought we decided against machine switching, due to the time constraints; and last, this sounds really extensive, considering how little time we have.

I would suggest the following: If you provide me with step by step instructions, I can show this as part of my demo. Alternatively, maybe it makes more sense to show this as part of WP4 - @MarcBehrens - what do you think?

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L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel antivirus Avast.

jastram commented 8 years ago

What do you think if I prepare a video of less than 5 mn that you could launch on your PC?

I think this is a great idea!

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Dear everyone,

the problem is that at the moment no file and model are set up already to be shown. This has to be done.

To do so the best case is using Chapter 3 and implementing the results for one modul block e.g. train positioning. Seconf option would be Level and Mode.

FrederiqueVallee commented 8 years ago

Dear Jan,

We have performed the safety analysis in the block “ProvidePositionReport” (ErrorManager – BuildSinglePostReport) in the SysML model that seems to be fine !

By the way could you remind me the name of the report in which François has to describe this analysis ?

Of course he has some problems to compile the corresponding function in the SCADE model (in that case the last test proposed in our demo could not be run).

Best regards,


De : Jan Welte [] Envoyé : mardi 8 décembre 2015 11:03 À : openETCS/toolchain Cc : FrederiqueVallee Objet : Re: [toolchain] Demo Script (final Itea Review) (#512)

Dear everyone,

the problem is that at the moment no file and model are set up already to be shown. This has to be done.

To do so the best case is using Chapter 3 and implementing the results for one modul block e.g. train positioning. Seconf option would be Level and Mode.

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L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel antivirus Avast.

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Dear Frederique,

the report is D4.3.3 whioch is placed ast as it is shown in

If @francoisrevest has problems with the latex file he shall just hand me his content and I'll add it.

jastram commented 8 years ago

@FrederiqueVallee one more thing - can you keep it to 2-3 minutes? Keep in mind that we have only 25 minutes for presentation and the other tool demos. Thanks!

FrederiqueVallee commented 8 years ago

OK Michael we’ll do our best to take less than 3 mn.

mahlmann commented 8 years ago

-> Which Model to open?

I propose to open:

Double clicking F2_ETCS_Kernel will open 13 sub-diagrams, here you might want to either continue with


iweigelt commented 8 years ago

Hello Moritz,

Here is a version of chapter2 that passes the validator However, when displaying contents of the file ProR cannot find the linked PNGs.

Thank you. I changed the Editor and Renderer to work with RFC Compliant URIs.

except for two points regarding ProR's internals - perhaps somebody can give me a hint regarding those.


"[D] The required feature 'leftHeaderColumn' of 'ProrSpecViewConfigurationImpl' must be set": The configuration:ProrSpecViewConfiguration of the ToolExtension is missing the leftHeaderColumn. You should add

      <configuration:Column label="Lead Header Column" width="71"/>

as a child element of configuration:ProrSpecViewConfiguration

"[D] The required feature 'presentationConfigurations' of 'ProrToolExtensionImpl' must be set": I guess this is a bug in the ToolExtension schema. The feature should not be mandantory. As a workaround you can add an empty configuration to the ProrToolExtension: <configuration:presentationConfigurations />

FrederiqueVallee commented 8 years ago

Hello Peter,

For us :

would be perfect !

Best regards,


Frédérique VALLEE Directeur Général Adjoint

Fixe : +33 (0)1 78 85 81 43

Mobile : +33 (0)6 81 68 92 92

Immeuble Odyssée - Bât E - 2-12 rue du Chemin des Femmes - 91300 MASSY

De : Peter Mahlmann [] Envoyé : mercredi 9 décembre 2015 14:59 À : openETCS/toolchain Cc : FrederiqueVallee Objet : Re: [toolchain] Demo Script (final Itea Review) (#512)

-> Which Model to open?

I propose to open:

Double clicking F2_ETCS_Kernel will open 13 sub-diagrams, here you might want to either continue with


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L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel antivirus Avast.

morido commented 8 years ago

@iweigelt Thanks. I've added a new set of files for subset026 3.3.0 in my repo here.

There is only one validation error left in chapter7 - which I believe is again a bug on your side (self-closing tr tag in XHTML). All other chapters now fully pass ProR's validator.

iweigelt commented 8 years ago


All other chapters now fully pass ProR's validator.

Great! Thank you.

There is only one validation error left in chapter7 - which I believe is again a bug on your side (self-closing tr tag in XHTML).

This Error is correct. We are validating the xhtml source against the w3 schema ( which says that a tr has to contain at least one td or th element.

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Can we now take the new files, or do you need to fix thi point?

morido commented 8 years ago

This Error is correct. We are validating the xhtml source against the w3 schema ( which says that a tr has to contain at least one td or th element.

@iweigelt You are right. Turns out MS Word, in fact, supports rows without any cells... Anyhow, I fixed this point.

So: @janWelte you are set to go with the new files!

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Thanks to everyone.

Am 14.12.2015 um 02:28 schrieb Moritz Dorka

This Error is correct. We are validating the xhtml source against the w3 schema ( which says that a tr has to contain at least one td or th element.

@iweigelt You are right. Turns out MS Word, in fact, supports rows without any cells... Anyhow, I fixed this point.

So: @janWelte you are set to go with the new files!

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