openETCS / validation

WP4: Validation and verification strategy
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Verification of Module: InformationFilter_Pkg::InformationFilter/ #303

Open janWelte opened 8 years ago

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Within the design working package (WP3) the Funcitonal Requirement Specificaiton is defined by User Stories. These User Stories are based on the application at the Amsterdam - Utrecht ETCS L2 track. The Information Filter checks whether the incomming message or parts of the content are accepted or rejected due to level, mode and sending RBC. If level or mode transitions are pending it has to store information, which become valid after the transition.

Title Content
Object Operator: InformationFilter
Definition Verify correct and consitent implementation of the module
Link to DAS2V ADD document with the [SCADE model]( modelScadeSystemObuFunctionsManageLocationRelatedInformationBaliseGroupInformationFilterInformationFilter.etp)
Link to Documentation ADD document
Name of Function InformationFilter_Pkg::InformationFilter/
WP3 Issues Relates to User Story 4
Related to Specificatoin SUBSET-026-4.8
Test Specification tbd
Restult of Tests tbd
Verification Report

Related to issue #237

assigned to @janWelte

new designer @christianstahl

janWelte commented 8 years ago

Architecture verification review related to ADD document chapter and SCADE model structure

relating to modeling issue and

relating to chapter:


ADD: The filter receives track information (balise and radio) and filters them depending of the mode, level and source of the message.

The Standard says: The criteria for acceptance and rejection by the Information Filter in SUBSET-026- are


ADD: Figure 7 shows the highlevel decomposition of the functionality. The filter is consists of four components: FirstFilter, SecondFilter, ThirdFilter and TransitionBuffer.


ADD: Based on this filter packets of an incoming message is either rejected, accepted or the whole message is put in the TransitionBuffer.

The Standard says: Those tables (Subset-026 for Level and for mode) list filter conditions in respect to full radio messages and to single packages and even parts of packages. Specifically for BG messages the header has to be transmitted in every case.

Therefore, the filter has to decide whether:



Finding: Interface
