openETCS / validation

WP4: Validation and verification strategy
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Verification of Module:Receive_TrackSide_Msg_Pkg::Receive_TrackSide_Msg #304

Open janWelte opened 9 years ago

janWelte commented 9 years ago

Within the design working package (WP3) the Funcitonal Requirement Specificaiton is defined by User Stories. These User Stories are based on the application at the Amsterdam - Utrecht ETCS L2 track. Receive Trackside Message receives the input information from BTM and Radio and build the message, which is afterwards checked for use in the EVC. For Radio this is mainly consists of creating the internal data structure needed. For BTM information the balise telegrams are combined to a complete BG message.

Title Content
Object Operator: Receive_TrackSide_Msg
Definition Verify correct and consitent implementation of the module
Link to DAS2V ADD document with the [SCADE model]( modelScadeSystemObuFunctionsManageLocationRelatedInformationBaliseGroupReceive_TrackSide_MsgReceive_TrackSide_Msg.etp)
Link to Documentation ADD document
Name of Function Receive_TrackSide_Msg_Pkg::Receive_TrackSide_Msg/
WP3 Issues Relates to User Story 4
Related to Specificatoin SUBSET-026-3.4.1 - 3.4.3, 3.16.2
SUBSET-026 7 and 8 (Telegram and Message structures)
Test Specification tbd
Restult of Tests tbd
Verification Report

Related to issue #237

assigned to @janWelte

janWelte commented 9 years ago

Architecture verification review related to ADD document chapter

relating to modeling issue

relating to chapter:

of this document: openETCS Architecture and Design Specification

ADD: SCADE designer [Name,affiliation]


ADD: The function passes a balise telegram without major changes of the information to the next entity for collecting the balise group information.


ADD: Only packets used inside the current model are passed via the interface


ADD: Linking Information. Linking Information is added to the linking array starting from index 0 without gaps.


ADD: `Elements are stored according to the order given by the telegram sequence.

... Subset-026, Chapter 3.4.2: Determining the orientation`

The Standard says: Every BG has an orientation based on its co-ordinate system, which has to be defined whether the BG has one or more balises. (3.4.2)


ADD: Subset-026, Chapter 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 4.2.9: Interface to the BTM


ADD: Linking Information. Linking Information is added to the linking array starting from index 0 without gaps.

The Standard says: The criteria for data consistency of track messages is defined in SUBSET-026-


ADD: `Telegrams received as invalid are passed to the “Check-Function” to process errors in communication with the track side according to the requirements and in a single place.


Subset-026, Chapter 3.16.2: Check of the balise group `

The Standard says: Subset-026- states that a balise within a balise group shall be regarded as missed if


ADD: Subset-026, Chapter 4.5.2 Active Functions Table
