openETCS / validation

WP4: Validation and verification strategy
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Braking Curves Testmodel #65

Open MarcBehrens opened 11 years ago

MarcBehrens commented 11 years ago

Task: Develop Braking Curves Test- / Functionalmodel and generate tests to test braking curves.

Workscope: Setup of environment:

Hint: Analysis of parameters should be done on basis of the ERA sheet:

Modelling reduced to EBD- Curve:

First verification:

Further development/ verification:

@fgola @alexn84 @benjaminbeichler @stanpinte @cecilebraun @UweSteinkeFromSiemens

stanpinteTheSignallingCompany commented 11 years ago

Dear Marc,

This small email to inform you we have completed implementation of braking curves model in augiust 2012, and already successfully validated our model against ERA reference spreadsheet.

All of this is available as of today in ERTMSFormalSpecs repository, under EUPL license.

Very kind regards


MarcBehrens commented 11 years ago

The first subtask has been completed, thank you @BenjaminBeichler.

@svitlana, is it possible for you to continue this task by mapping the incoming and outgoing variables to your EFS braking simulation.

Svitlana-Lukicheva commented 11 years ago


Of course, I'll start it next week.

BerndHekele commented 11 years ago

EFS plans to work on the issue in week 38. Feedback awaited.

stanpinteTheSignallingCompany commented 11 years ago

@BerndHekele Dear Bernd, we at ERTMS Solutions are currently having a sprint with some new modellers, requiring a lot of small changes in the ERTMSFormalSpecs toolchain, improving modelling productivity and user-friendliness.

Can we delay up to week 42 the work on the Braking curves question?

Moreover, at that time we shall be more advanced in terms of BL3 3.3.0 support (See, which is needed to do this issue.

Thanks in advance for your feedback,

Very kind regards


BerndHekele commented 11 years ago

Dear Stan, this implies we will have late results from the comparison with EFS available for the Evaluation of the first level validation milestone. This is not so much an issue for the validation plan, Besides the final result I do not see to much of a dependency with other subtasks in the task. But, I see more disadvantages for EFS in the competition.

Maybe, you or Svitlana can participate in the next grooming meeting to check on the impacts (Wednesday's).

Best Regards Bernd

stanpinteTheSignallingCompany commented 11 years ago

Dear Bernd,

Thanks for confirming these delays shall not be impacting other subtasks.

I checked with Baseliyos here and it seems allright.

Very kind regards


MarcBehrens commented 10 years ago

Review 2nd October 2013: First draft of SysML braking curves planned @alexn84

alexn84 commented 10 years ago

First steps with Papyrus/SysML and the SaDM (Speed and Distance Monitoring) Reason for creating this model:

Next steps are: working on the subtask that is mentioned above, that means detailed editing/SysML-modelling of the EBD-Curve


I would be very grateful for suggestions

MarcBehrens commented 10 years ago

@LaurentFerier agreed to provide 6 scenarios used for verifivation of the models based on the ERA spreadsheet.

MarcBehrens commented 10 years ago

Coverage on the brakging curves parameters provided by @LaurentFerier


LaurentFerier commented 10 years ago

Please note that this is related to version 3.2.0 of subset-026. We are currently working on revision 3.3.0

Svitlana-Lukicheva commented 10 years ago


Dear Mark, the scenarios are ready, could you please tell me where we could upload them?

BerndHekele commented 10 years ago

@LaurentFerier , @Svitlana-Lukicheva , can you start a new ERTMS Solutions folder in the validation path with this infomration? You can see the how-to in the wiki


Svitlana-Lukicheva commented 10 years ago

@BerndHekele , can you please provide the link to the how-to in the wiki? Sorry, I cannot find it.

MarcBehrens commented 10 years ago

@Svitlana-Lukicheva you can find the fresh How-To here:

LaurentFerier commented 10 years ago

Braking curves scenario have been placed in VnVUserStories\VnVUserStoryERTMSSolutions\05-Work\Braking curves scenarios (see commit bede981c4d474ad9e39db2dcd596e179e2ef6cc8)

MarcBehrens commented 10 years ago

Thank you Laurent for providing the scenarios for validation.

Next step would be to show evidence that the different model comply to the scenario output applying the scenario input.

BerndHekele commented 10 years ago

Wrong scenario chosen. In order to be able to compare the results the model should be extended (later).

LaurentFerier commented 10 years ago

Hi Bernd, can you tell us more about your comment ?

BerndHekele commented 10 years ago

Of course. The problem is not related to the version of the standards but to the parameters used in the model. @alexn84 , can you please add the details.

BenjaminBeichler commented 10 years ago

Hi Laurent,

I made this comment, because we adapted the subset of the modelling aspects from WP7 (resp. WP2) (

In my memory in the model-evaluation Wiki only gammar-trains were mentioned. This is the reason why we made this restriction in the document

LaurentFerier commented 10 years ago

Hi Benjamin,

We provided two scenarios about gamma trains. Could you begin your tests with those, and consider them as HIGH_PRIORITY as described in section 4.1.3 ?

Lower priorities can then be taken into account using the other sheets we provided. Would that fit your needs ?

BenjaminBeichler commented 10 years ago

I found only one file with a gammar-train scenario in the VnV-Userstories directory. Its not the Problem to use this, but we could currently only produce results for one testcase.

Another impediment is, that the excel-sheets are not really handy for data exchange. I don't know whether other workpackages already define better suitable formats for data-exchange. I would suppose something like in XML, like the test-Interface, described by DLR. I will open a new Issue for that.

LaurentFerier commented 10 years ago

You are right, we only provided one gamma train.

About XML files, you will find in the corresponding documents in XML format.

You can use the XLS sheet located there to understand the meaning of each variable used in the tests

MarcBehrens commented 10 years ago

@laurent any updates on the report on braking curves verification?