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Cursor does not render correctly when ofGetUsingNormalizedTexCoords() == true #112

Closed bakercp closed 11 years ago

bakercp commented 11 years ago

That was easy.

bakercp commented 11 years ago

@arturoc can you think of any other global settings outside of ofStyle that could prevent correct cursor rendering? I'm in preventative mode now.

arturoc commented 11 years ago

i guess there's lots of gl flags that could modify how the cursor is rendered, but i wouldn't try to take all into account, we can just put a note in the docs, explaining that the cursor is rendered from OF itself and that certain GL flags can make it dissapear or look weird, so you probably want to restore flags to something sane before ending the draw function.

trying to take everything into account, mostly gl state can make the rendering slow

bakercp commented 11 years ago

Sounds good. I'm also going to look into the dedicated rpi-cursor idea to see how far other folks have gotten with it. I believe that are doing it with the QT port. Again, low priority though.