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No window opens after starting the application #149

Closed mrkva closed 11 years ago

mrkva commented 11 years ago

Hi guys,

I have a serious problem with running anything OF on my Pi. I have installed codecs, dependencies. Compiled the core - all without problems (there was a problem while compiling ofColor.cpp at one point but I solved it by changing portion of ram dedicated to GPU to lower).

I have compiled the raspberry_hello_world example - also without any errors. But when I try to run it I get this:

Code: view plaincopy to clipboardprint? [ofAppEGLWindow::setupRPiNativeWindow:notice] screenRect.width==720, screenRect.height=480
[ofAppEGLWindow::setupRPiNativeWindow:notice] windowRect.width==720, windowRect.height=480
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] Setting up EGL Display
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL Display correctly set.
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] No current render selected.
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] Default Renderer detected.
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] Surface created correctly
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] API Binded correctly
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] -----EGL-----
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL_VERSION_MINOR = 4
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL_CLIENT_APIS = OpenGL_ES OpenVG
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL_VENDOR = Broadcom
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL_VERSION = 1.4
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] EGL_EXTENSIONS = EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_vg_parent_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_lock_surface
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
[ofAppEGLWindow::createSurface:notice] -------------
[ofAppEGLWindow::setupPeripherals:notice] Peripheral setup complete.
[ofAppEGLWindow:notice] setupUDev() : Created udev object.
[ofAppEGLWindow:notice] setupMouse() : Unabled to find mouse.
[ofAppEGLWindow:error] setupMouse() : did not open mouse.
[ofAppEGLWindow:error] setupMouse() : did not open mouse. mouse_fd < 0
[ofAppEGLWindow:warning] setupKeyboard() : Unabled to find keyboard.
[ofAppEGLWindow:error] setupKeyboard() : did not open keyboard.
[ofAppEGLWindow:error] setupKeyboard() : did not open keyboard. keyboard_fd < 0
[ofAppEGLWindow::setupPeripherals:notice] Native event setup complete.
[ofAppEGLWindow::setupOpenGL:notice] Peripheral setup complete.
[ofAppEGLWindow::runAppViaInfiniteLoop:notice] Entering infinite loop.
[ofAppEGLWindow::runAppViaInfiniteLoop:notice] ofNotifySetup() complete.

And nothing happens. No window opens up, nothing. Is really the keyboard/mouse not being connected causing this?

I have to say I am using VNC to acces my desktop, because I don't have any physical monitor with HDMI/composite around. But that shouldn't matter, should it?

Thanks a lot for any tips!

bakercp commented 11 years ago

Hey there, does the RPi then crash or become completely unresponsive? Or can you close the program?

If you check the activity monitor via top or a command like ps aux | grep hello is the program still running?

bakercp commented 11 years ago

Also, are you running the program from the command line or do you have X11 open (i.e. the desktop?) The preferred way to run programs is without X / Desktop open.

mrkva commented 11 years ago

Program is running, I can kill it with ^C no problem (and it exits regularly). I am running it with desktop open, will try running without. Although - as I said I am using VNC to check if its working (don't have physical screen with hdmi/composite), so how would I attach VNC session to of app?


danzeeeman commented 11 years ago

Do we know if the x11 code runs on the pi? If you can find yourself an HDMI or DVI monitor or a RCA TV you should be able to run sans X11. On Apr 5, 2013 8:45 AM, "J. Zeleninsky" wrote:

Program is running, I can kill it with ^C no problem (and it exits regularly).

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jvcleave commented 11 years ago

I answered similarly in the forums but I think VNC requires X11 and if the app is not an X11 Windowed app it will fail to display over VNC.

Another thing you can try is opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_triangle and see if that works over VNC.

bakercp commented 11 years ago

Wait -- are you saying that you don't see the window showing up over vnc? Since we aren't using x11-based windowing (we rolled our own EGL window), it may not come across vnc unless a monitor is attached.

mrkva commented 11 years ago

Running with external screen instead of VNC+X11 solved to problem. Thank you!